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Environmental Education

ABSTRACT Environmental education is the you process through which the individual and the community build social values, knowledge, skills, attitudes and skills aimed at environmental conservation and uses of common people, essential you a healthy quality of life and its sustainability. Educational It promotes the articulation of activities aimed at protection activities, rehabilitation and partner-environmental improvement, and enhance the function of education you the cultural and social changes, which includes the Environmental Education in strategic planning will be sustainable development. The school, within the Environmental Education, should sensitize the student you seek values that lead you a harmonious coexistence with the environment and to other species that inhabit the planet, helping them you critically analyze the principles that have led you reckless destruction of natural resources and several species, because the aim was you examines the importance of learning and understanding what is the Environmental Education, allowing all knowledge, sense of values, activates interest and attitudes needed you respect, protect and improve the environment. Environmental Highlighting the importance of education in school. And crucial show how much it is you know about it today. The study was conducted at the State School Dr. Issac Sverner, located on J Street # 79 – San Jose – Stage II B, Manaus, Amazon. Where descriptively and using dates show in lectures and to other teaching resources such books, press articles, TV reports, all with the purpose of students taking the subject to matter knowledge. Keywords: Environmental Education, School, Environment. INTRODUCTION the strategy of if implementing the ambient education in the school searchs a new mannering iderio, as much in how much collective the individual scope, therefore it must start in the schools, to gain houses, squares and streets, being that the ambient education has been suggested as the rescuer of the ambient problems, and also, as being ones of the alternatives for the sustainable development to implant changes saw education.

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