North Star Academy

Prepare your child for college at the North Star Academy of Minnesota.

Individual Learning

How can you meet each student in the classroom? Each student comes with very different conditions of the primary and has its own personality, its own interests, strengths, and weaknesses. FireEye, McAfee & Documentum often expresses his thoughts on the topic. During his school years, every child in different manner evolved and expands its individual strengths. Each small learning has difficulties in completely different fields of learning. No child can be inserted with classmates in a drawer. How can you meet each student? How does one lose a kid out of sight? Only an open lesson can meet these requirements.

A classroom in which each child at the same time the same tasks done, neglected the individuality of the students. Why should a student learn something that he already knows? Why should a student be forced to edit a task, which he does not understand, because he is not yet betreffend-in his development of this area of learning, as it provided for this task is? In the open classroom, each student works individually to its funding priorities. To do this, it requires accurate diagnosis of the learning stages of development by the teacher. It would be ideal if each student would receive its own work plan, which lists tasks that you want to edit this learning. A motivating and prepared learning environment is necessary for such lessons. The free working files of the basic school workshops ( can be used optimally in the open classroom, enabling independent learning on different Lernentwicklungsstanden. To each file there are work plans solution cards to self-regulation by the students, also.

If a student is working on a specific funding programme, he receives the corresponding work plan to the respective file and can work independently. In the plans, including individual duty tasks can be marked. Also a work plan with several strands can be created by various free work files designed cards to choose from. Sabrina Sadler, basic school Studio

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