North Star Academy

Prepare your child for college at the North Star Academy of Minnesota.

North American

The ambientalista conception attributes to the environment a great power in the human development. The man develops its characteristics in function of the conditions gifts in the way where if he finds. To this conception of – the name of empirismo. The great defender of the ambientalista position, in psychology, is the North American, B.F. Skinner. For it and its followers, the paper of the environment is much more important of what the biological maturation. Thus being, the stimulatons gifts in one determined situation, lead to the appearance of certain behaviors.

According to ambientalistas, the individuals search to increase the pleasure and to diminish pain; therefore, manipulating the elements gifts in the environment, it is possible to control the behavior. Therefore, they attribute ambientalista conception to it, a vision of the individual while to be extremely reactive to the action of the way. Changes in the behavior can be provoked in some ways. One of them demands an analysis of the resulted consequncias or that the same produces in the environment. positive consequncias are called reinforcing and provoke an increase in the frequency with that the behavior appears.

Already the refusals, receive the name from punishment and lead to a reduction in the frequency with that certain behaviors occur. When a behavior is not adjusted and if it considers desirable to total eliminate it of the repertoire of behavior of an individual, uses the said procedure of extinguishing. For this, she is necessary to remove of the environment the consequncias keep that it. Other theoreticians had affirmed that the human behavior also is modified in function of the comment of as other people act, who if become models to be copied. When the behaviors of the models are strengthened, it extends yourself to imitate it them, and if punished, it looks itself to prevent them. In the ambientalista vision, the attention of a person is, therefore, function of the learnings that carried through throughout the life, in contact with the stimulatons that had strengthened or punished its behaviors. Being thus, it can to say that the behavior is always the result of associations established between stimulaton and consequncia. When a behavior will be associated the certain stimulaton, this tends to appear when gifts will be stimulatons similar. To this phenomenon of – the name of generalization. The child learns to perceive similarities between stimulatons and to generalize behaviors, but also she learns the inverse one, that is, to discriminate stimulatons from its differences. For the ambientalistas, the learning is understood as the process by which the behavior is modified in accordance with the result of the experience. It is important that if also light in consideration the physiological and psychological state of the organism. In accordance with this conception, the emphasis is in propitiating new learnings, through the manipulation of the stimulatons that precede and succeed the behavior. For in such a way, an analysis of the form is necessary as the individuals act in its environment, identifying stimulatons that they provoke appearance of the behavior-target and the consequncias keeps that it. Reference: DAVIS, Claude; OLIVEIRA, Zilma. Psychology in the education.

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