North Star Academy

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Stronger Behavior

To correct their mistakes, the responsibility is very important for adults – but not for kids. Life – is a process of trial and error. All make mistakes. Gerald Weissmann, MD wanted to know more. Succeed in life are the people who know how to adjust their actions by changing their thinking, attitude or behavior. If you make mistakes – normally, a child may, without any fear to recognize them and to extract lessons from them. Click Kindle Direct Publishing to learn more.

Children are programmed to automatic self-correction after committing errors. The main reason why children and adults do not adjust their behavior lies in the fact that they are afraid to admit his mistake. Natural self-correction requires the feeling that make mistakes, fine. The stronger the child is afraid to make mistakes, the more blunted his innate ability to adjust their behavior accordingly. Fear of making mistakes immeasurably increases the likelihood that she still be made. Punish or shame a child for any errors, you strengthen in him a fear and weaken the innate ability to self-correction. Parents need to remember that children – from heaven.

Self-correction – Auto process carried out mainly through imitation and cooperation, rather than punishment and shame. Even if you do not punish or shame a child, self-correction process is gradual. Here, as in teaching any other skills, a lot depends on the characteristics of learning. If a child requires a lot of time to learn what is to blame, neither he nor the parents. He just needed a lot of time. Asking the child to the direction and demonstrating the correct actions, the parent teaches the child the proper behavior, which is the result of constant self-correction.

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