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The Scholastic

It was in this environment of intense overturn that lived Toms de Aquino (1224-1275), in the City of Rocasseca, Italy. 2.A Scholastic and the symbol of the medieval universality With the Iluminismo, century XIII passed to be considered as ' ' century of trevas' ' , because as already it was displayed previously, it was a period marked for the authority and predominance of the Church Catholic on all the Society, valley to stand out that with the predominance and authority of the Church, the terrena life was until then total rejected and imported only the future life. However, it had a significant expansion of knowing in this period, mainly had the creation of the monasteries, in special, of the Franciscanos and Dominican, as well as the sprouting of the Universities. In century XIII texts of the Arab philosophy, as for example, of Averris had passed to be studied, what it gave to beginning to the duel between Reason and Faith, duel mainly promoted by redescoberta of the aristotelian texts, valley to stand out that until the time, the used texts more were of Saint the Augustin that was based on the workmanships of Plato, and they served to base the attitudes of the Church. It is initiated, therefore, the Scholastic that was a method of proper education of the Average Age and its definition is tied with the school idea. The Scholastic stimulates the dialectic, mainly in the relation between Philosophy and Theology. Its importance if must to the fact of that as much suggested answers, how much excited questionings, promoting mainly, debates. The Scholastic represents, therefore, the last period of the Christian thought the Education in the Average Age if it presented in a peculiar way, represented for ' ' quaestio disputata' ' (disputed questions), that they consisted of the education form that gave voice to the interlocutor.

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