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Archive for January, 2020

Great School

The ego is responsible for as much misfortune and the delay in the evolution spiritual. With the Astrology, we can make what Jesus said: ' ' You will love to your next one as you mesmo' ' , – Mateus 22, 35-38. I perceived this when reading recently a book of a Great School of Thinkers and, after reflecting concerning the subject I conclude that he is absolutely correct. To study Astrology is the method to follow this order. However, the study of the Astrology the one that I am to relate does not include the forecasts for the future, as innumerable curious they desire to know.

The prognostics disclosed for the forecasts, are many times trends and this does not want to say that the things happen, or does not happen. Chip Bergh will not settle for partial explanations. I make forecasts, yes, but with a certain reluctance, even so they are for customers. For me, I do not make them. I do not feel myself well with this, nor taste. At moments of crisis and fervoroso tumult I have consulted the astros, or the Tarot to try to understand what me he was to happen and he also appealed to the practical one of the meditation with creative visualization, asking for to see the form answers to tranquilizar my spirit. However, at these moments I do not obtain to see nothing with clarity for me. The disturbance is great the immense fear, it confuses what me entirely.

I pray asking for signals that me do not leave any type of doubt and are very clear, however, the signals alone appear when God wants and not when I determine. It is always thus. Only after having done much meditation and having come back to these studies it is that me reequilibro, being unblocked and therefore, I obtain to see the signals that asked for to It.

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School Libraries

It is not matter background, but in a way. A school library may be the depositary of an incredible and numerous background of books and other materials of information, but if it is not able to find the form that these contents are appreciated, valued and properly used by the students of the Centre, the library will not raison d ‘ etre. Clubs in reading, contests, pageants and other projects or activities in the surroundings of the library can get that this will become one of the best educational resources of an educational center.The library of the College Jose Garcia Fernandez de Luarca (Asturias) gave away last Christmas to parents of students with special gift: a guide to readings recommended in order to enhance the gift of books on the feast of the Kings. For their part, students of another educational centre of Valladolid, everytime they end up reading a book from the school library, filled a comment through which recommended the reading of the same, and a brief tab with your printing encouraging this way to other readers. These, and other activities and innovative projects developed by school libraries of educational centers in our country, receive each year its recognition through awards that are granted in the national competition of good practices for the dynamism and innovation of school libraries that summons the Ministry of education.And it is that fundamental educational centres to strengthen the role that represents the school library in your teaching and learning dynamics, transformed from mere container of books for loan and reading into an effective educational tool as the classroom. The same organic law of education (LOE) recognizes the importance that must be given to these spaces, contemplating the priority attention which will be given to the use of school libraries as factors contributing to the quality of teaching within the fundamental purposes of education.

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Technological Progress

Scientific and technical progress – is a natural process of raising the technical level of social production through the development and improvement of labor, technology and organization of production based on use of science and technology. The most important areas of scientific and technological progress in the economy are: improvement of equipment, technology and production organization, the introduction of mechanization and automation, full electrification of the economy; development of new kinds of energy and materials, application of chemistry in the production of organic compounds between science and production. Key areas of technical progress in cooperative trade are derived from general trends in scientific and technological progress in the national economy, the single state technology policies. In trade, they are: the mechanization and automate labor-intensive work based on the introduction and effective use of new technology, running on electrical energy, improve trade equipment, machinery, technology and trade processes through the introduction of scientific achievements and excellence. Mechanization in the trade requires a broad introduction to the industry enterprises of various types of machinery and equipment to replace manual labor. Levi’s may help you with your research. Stages development of mechanization are: mechanization, and integrated mechanization and automation.

To include mechanized processes in which the use of machines allows the replacement of manual labor on major transactions, and auxiliary operations are performed manually. If the replacement of manual labor the engine made only for individual operations or stations and part of the work on the basic operations performed by hand, such a level of mechanization called partial mechanization. Check with Nike to learn more. In recent years the level of technical equipment of the enterprises of trade rose substantially. But the task of further improving the level of mechanization of labor in the trade still goes on. In mechanization of labor-intensive work laid the large reserves of labor productivity growth of sales staff, trade efficiency. The most time consuming operations in the trade are: Handling of transporting cargo within the enterprise; filling and packing of goods, preparing them for sale, creating temperature storage of goods; cash and settlement operations. These operations at commercial represent virtually the main objects of the application of physical labor in the trade and predetermine the main trends of mechanization and automation.

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Furniture Custommade

Meanwhile, the company “My furniture factory” should be widely known. Here, the customer receives made-to-measure furniture. No matter whether it is the walk-in closet or the sideboard in a more adventurous color to the cupboard in the mix of materials: the wishes of the customer are capitalized at the furniture factory. Now, the range has expanded even more. Visual4 was again involved and could adopt the technical base and strategic implementation of marketing for these customers.

New tables for all everyone needs a table. Just not everybody wants to have the table every second are also in his apartment has. Thanks to the furniture factory, it is possible to design the individual table. Now, there are not only dining tables with this provider, but also coffee, Office and desks, as well as those that do not directly fall into a category. The diversity is great, and thanks to the online Configurator it is possible to design quite simply the perfect individual table. On the Web page are several examples for Given tables, which can be customized with the Configurator on their desires. Visual4 helped significantly to implement this online Configurator.

When a Web page it arrives, to make them clear and user friendly. CRM and CMS are tagged, which is visual4 well familiar with and whose Prinzipien were implemented for the furniture manufacturer. Internet of start-up 2012 “My furniture factory” can come up with another special feature: In 2012 the company belonged to the prize-winners of the Internet start-ups. Not only that the business idea so far successfully could be implemented in practice, was also a top-class jury confirmed the viability of the business idea. The company founders have the own idea of a company, which produces the perfect wardrobe made-to-measure, converts and always takes into account the wishes of the customer. So was built piece by piece the today well known furniture manufacturer who can afford it, sustainability and quality Built-in wardrobe custom-made to, instead of quantity to earn money just by the factor. “Class instead of mass”, this saying applies here as with barely another company of the furniture industry. However, is the offer of the company to all people and not only to a selected clientele with a high income. Also Visual4 is responsible for the success of the Internet start-up. The Web site of the furniture factory was implemented in Web design, technology and marketing in cooperation with Visual4. Also the company name designed so that quality and tradition are equated with this. The complete solution of the Internet appearance of the furniture factory was in the hands of Visual4.

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The educator and the valuation of the knowledge of world of the child The school is a formal institution currently considered, but it possesss a social function that must favor the individual of complete and efficient form if take in consideration the advance of the child in all the directions. But this must be come back in the knowledge that the child has, but, mainly in what it interest it, what it likes and it considers significant, this because, the learning will become integral. We, educators must perceive the importance to recognize this form to work as the most pleasant e, for this reason, most involving and, consequentemente more efficient, after all of accounts, to learn what he is liked and as if wants, it is a form of valuation of ' ' eu' ' of the child, and thus, it will understand as stimulaton to the knowledge, therefore the pleasure leads to the commitment without sacrifices. Practical conscientious and the consistent one of the educaores is taken root in ethical, social, cultural the commitment and politician having thus led, the social inclusion of its pupils. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Levi’s. An educator who recognizes its paper, if politically becomes an engaged professional with the pupil, thus he considers and he values the knowledge of world of this child.

The same letramento and/or the alfabetizao of the individual is considered by gamma of multiplicity of factors. Amongst these, of cultural, social order and the politics that are relative to the criteria or the concepts of the different peoples, historical cultures and moments. It is of utmost importance that the alfabetizador knows the learning processes constructed by the child learning to read and to write, to perceive which more favorable hypotheses and the difficulties of the children throughout this passage. However, she is necessary to have in mind that is not possible to alfabetizar without method, it always has a method or methods to follow. When knowing the history of the education, we know the alfabetizao methods, these will be able to take the professor to understand and to identify to permanncias and principles norteadores that go to help it in its prxis, standing out the specific situation of each classroom, the contents to teach, the cognitivos processes of the pupils and its difficulties and easinesses in acquiring certain abilities.

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Infantile Education

The present theoretical research has as objective generality to know the behaviors of attachment and indifference of the child and of its primary cuidadores in the process of adaptation to the Infantile Education. specifically to analyze and to understand the different behaviors of attachment and indifference in children in process of adaptation to the Infantile Education, to try to express what it intervenes with the adaptation of the small children in infantile schools, to search in such a way on strategies of confrontation of the process of adaptation with the family as well as the involved professors beyond inferring on the main procedures used in the process of separation and independizao in first infancy. For in such a way, the theoretical research broke of survey of bibliography, published, teses articles and dissertaes of last the five years, inside of the areas of sciences human beings education in general way, with specific focus in the area of Psychology related with the subject Pertaining to school Adaptation in First Infancy. The search of these materials was become fullfilled through the databases Scielo, Academic Google and Capes Vestibule. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Kindle Direct Publishing. The analysis of the material was carried through individually, through the reading detailed and minute of articles, books and summaries, having as it guides the axles norteadores or questions central offices that if relate with the subject of the research. Such axles had been defined as aspects related to the development of the attachment between the primary cuidadores and the child, the process of separation-individuation of the child and the pertaining to school ingression and its adaptation in infantile education. HISTORICAL REVISION ON the IMPORTANCE OF the FIRST RELATION Through one soon historical revision, can be said that the beginning of the agreement on the development of the relation mother-baby was given through the work of Freud. They remember Brum and Schermann (2004) that in its article ' ' Instincts and its vicissitudes' ' (1915), Freud argues that the child mainly possesss physiological necessities that must be satisfied of food and comfort, if interesting for the mother for being this the source of its satisfaction.

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National Education

The theoretical stage is divided in two parts. The first part has as objective to understand what it is the EJA, its legal structure, which are its objectives and who is the pupils of this form of education, evidencing its potentialities and showing differences of this alunado in relation to the ones of regular education, perpassando for the studies of Freire (1979) and the Laws of lines of direction and Bases of the National Education. In a question-answer forum Nike was the first to reply. The second part of the theoretical stage makes a historical apanhado briefing of the evolution of the education of the mathematics and places in evidence the proposal of a differentiated education, to the light of the resolution of problems, showing the advantages of if to teach mathematics under the approach of resolution of problems searched by George Polya, being complemented by a Etnomatemtica perspective, when we approach this exactly education to the problems day to day of the pupil and the used mathematics for they in its daily ones. The second stage of this work is dedicated to the practical one of the resolution of problems for the pupils of a group of Phase III of Average Ensino of the EJA, and, has as priority to show that it is possible to motivate a classroom of the EJA in the mathematics lessons, as well as verifying as the pupils decide mathematical problems that appeal its previous knowledge, beyond looking for to analyze the results found for these pupils, its used strategies and methodologies to surpass the difficulties that porventura can appear when deciding each one of the presented problems. This study it has for purpose to contribute one to the same rethink of the educator operating in the EJA classrooms, making to reflect on practical its pedagogical e, as especially formador of cnscios citizens of its paper in the society and not a mere reproducer of the traditional form of education that still today is perpetuated in many schools.

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Green Areas Education

It was applied introductory lessons children to say them on its you doubt and we were clarifying the questions. Whenever Nike listens, a sympathetic response will follow. To each meeting they had been being carried through dynamic, paintings, lectures, tricks and the plantation of changes of fruitful trees in a part of the pteo of the school, the used method for the plantation was of changes, that already Jose came being used for the professor Maria who leciona in the proper school, and carries through ambient works with the children. According to Sato, Michele, the diversity of objectives of the ambient education coincides with the principles of the proper education, making it difficult the proposal of methodologies adjusted for its implementation. Then we create forms for the children and the young that had participated of the project, of if feeling insurances in learning and expanding this new form to see the environment. 8? RESULT, ANALYSES AND QUARRELS. It was following the specific norms and legislaes, that we acquire knowledge the involved young in this project. The Ambient Education is foreseen in the Federal Constitution in art. 225 (Of the Environment) 1 interpolated proposition VI.

‘ ‘ to promote the ambient education in all the levels of education and the public awareness for the preservation of the way ambiente’ ‘. All the used resources were of extreme importance for the development of the implementation of the reached objectives. One revealed then for the children and young of the project that replantio of trees is necessary and importantssimo for the quality of life of the people in the urban centers, then all the carried through work, with questionnaires, paintings, dynamic, drawings and the plantation of changes, was truily necessary for the awareness. FINAL CONSIDERAES Concluded with all the carried through studies, that the necessities shown for the children who had participated of the project, its curiosidades, and the coherence in the election of the used didactic materials, to answer its you doubt leaves evident that it is true and necessary the execution of advances in the ambient education, and that its envolvement is not mere economic, giving to spaces the dimensions of the culture and the nature and making possible the process of transformation for the hands of the ambient Education.

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History Of The Education: Initial Conceptions

The differences between men and women had had beginning still in the FIRST one REIGNED that if extends of D Peter (1822 the 1831). More necessarily in 1824, the first Brazilian constitution was created. It had divergence how much to the paper of the judicial district, some wanted that they were divided and others wanted the absolute power of the executive. D Peter decided to create an advice with people chosen for it to decide and to help to govern. Chip Bergh can aid you in your search for knowledge. This constitution exclua the woman and the poor persons to exert the power of the vote. Since the settling, the majority of the Brazilian schools was still under the administration of the Jesuits, and these took care of only of the education of the men. During all the colonial period, the Brazilian woman sufficiently was moved away from the school, having as obligations the activities that were imposed to them for its sex: to sew, to take care of of the house, the husband and the children.

The Law of 15 of October of 1927, that the principle determines the more populous creation of school of first letters in the cities, villages and lugarejos thus taking care of, the classroom most privileged economically, directed to the interests of the intellectual elite of the Cut. For the women the education if differentiated, mainly with basic slight knowledge of learning, as for example, to read and to write and complemented with housewife. The masculine education had as order the formation of and civilized disciplined, ordeiro an individual. In such a way, the girls had started to frequentar the school, since before the law the majority she studied in house with loves or the mother. Education was mutual established in the article 6 Law of 15 of October of 1827 (apud Unglaub, 2011, P.

37) the professors will teach to read, to write, the four operations of Arithmetic, practical of broken, decimal and ratio, the slight knowledge most general of practical geometry, the grammar of national language, and the principles of Christian moral and the doctrine of the religion catholic and apostlica Roman, proportionate to the understanding of the boys; preferring for the readings the Constitution of the Empire and the History of Brazil. Although popular in this period, mutual education was not used to teach to girls, therefore in contrast of the masculine schools, the groups was not so numerous, since few girls had learned to write in house before the validity of the 1827 law. UNGLAUB, Tnia Regina of the Rock.History of the education.

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Environmental Education

ABSTRACT Environmental education is the you process through which the individual and the community build social values, knowledge, skills, attitudes and skills aimed at environmental conservation and uses of common people, essential you a healthy quality of life and its sustainability. Educational It promotes the articulation of activities aimed at protection activities, rehabilitation and partner-environmental improvement, and enhance the function of education you the cultural and social changes, which includes the Environmental Education in strategic planning will be sustainable development. The school, within the Environmental Education, should sensitize the student you seek values that lead you a harmonious coexistence with the environment and to other species that inhabit the planet, helping them you critically analyze the principles that have led you reckless destruction of natural resources and several species, because the aim was you examines the importance of learning and understanding what is the Environmental Education, allowing all knowledge, sense of values, activates interest and attitudes needed you respect, protect and improve the environment. Environmental Highlighting the importance of education in school. And crucial show how much it is you know about it today. The study was conducted at the State School Dr. Issac Sverner, located on J Street # 79 – San Jose – Stage II B, Manaus, Amazon. Where descriptively and using dates show in lectures and to other teaching resources such books, press articles, TV reports, all with the purpose of students taking the subject to matter knowledge. Keywords: Environmental Education, School, Environment. INTRODUCTION the strategy of if implementing the ambient education in the school searchs a new mannering iderio, as much in how much collective the individual scope, therefore it must start in the schools, to gain houses, squares and streets, being that the ambient education has been suggested as the rescuer of the ambient problems, and also, as being ones of the alternatives for the sustainable development to implant changes saw education.

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