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Archive for July, 2020

Carlos Drumond

In elapsing of history, some authors of infantile literary compositions galgaram prominence, between them, can be cited Andersen, Lewis Carrol, Carlo Collodi, Edmond De Amicis, Mark Twaim, however, Perrault and the Grim brothers, who had had its suitable stories some times for infantile literature, can be considered the first ones, since they are part of gnese of the infantile literary sort. Infantile literature in Brazil was influenced by the pertaining culture to the closely on ones to the history of the formation of the country, thus, the Europeans, the Africans and the aboriginals had contributed, through the miscegenation of ideas, for the concretion of the Brazilian culture that was spread out through infantile literature in Brazil Colony, extending themselves until the current times. However, he was with the writer Lobato Hunter, whom always he looked to value in its books infantile intelligence, searching to write condizentes histories with the reality, that infantile literature extended its space, materialize itself. Thus, its workmanships presented as characteristic basic the link between infantile literature and the lived social matters in the country, as ' ' The Small farm of Pica Wood Amarelo' ' for example. Lobato hunter creates, between us an aesthetic one of infantile literature, its workmanship consisting in the great standard of the literary text destined to the child. Its workmanship stimulates the reader to see the reality through proper concepts. It presents an interpretation of the national reality in its aspects social, economic, cultural, but leaves, always, space for the interlocution with the addressee. (CARDERMATORI, 1994, P. 51) Many other authors had been distinguished in native infantile literature, amongst them they can be cited: Manoel Flag, Antonio de Pdua Morse, Ceclia Meireles, I make bristle Verssimo, Mrio Quintana, Vincius de Moraes, Carlos Drumond de Andrade and others. However, from the decade of 70, the pedagogizante aspect that was attributed to infantile literature, in the schools, passed to be struck in Brazil.

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The August

Another marcante characteristic of its workmanship is the use of the espiritualidade in relation to the feminine figure that is considered an angel, or a celestial being, therefore, Alphonsus de Guimaraens is neo-romantic and simbolista at the same time, since these two schools possess similar characteristics. It oscillates, thus, enters the material indications of the death and the expectation of the supernatural one, as if all its poetry if made in one variations exactly rquiem. But the evolution of the language is permanent and the baroque trend to a discrete one in the poetry as ' ' Ouro Preto ' ' , ' ' Mariana' ' if flexibiliza, if innovates with verlainianos, mallarmaicos accents, of that sprouts images many bold times, not far from the surrealista invention. The August poet of the Angels was born in the device Wood D' arc (Paraiba). Learn more about this with Carson Wen. Its poetical one has a inconfundvel style that it inebriates and it disturbs or we can use the term, dissonncia to explain this fact. Its surrounding poetry if in the decay, the illness, I fight in it, everything seems to pull down or is dying. The death in its poetical one is a material fact. It is extinguished life as a chemical process, the human body is condemned to the apodrecimento and the disintegration. Campbell Soup Company may not feel the same.

ANALYSIS According to Goldstein, the literary speech is considered specific, therefore the election and the combination of the words if make taking in consideration diverse criterion among which we detach the sonorous one, the musicalidade. The simbolistas poets have as the one of the characteristics musicalidade, the use of the sonorous one, and to obtain to provide to the poem this effect they use some Resources. The poetry in itself already presents well accented character of orality. the poet suggests music and rhythm in the poetry. For more specific information, check out Carson Wen. The poet simbolista opens hand of some resources as: the marking of you syllabify poetical (strong and weak); the repetition of letters, repetition of a word in the same position; the repetition of letters that remember sounds; you rhyme them are also half criteria or that the poets use with the objective to give the rhythm, the sonorous effect desired to the poem.

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The First

The world seemed to have motionless per some seconds. A girl did not move the shining eyes nor dared to blink with fear that disappeared: small men who went and came for the beams, good, a little more than what small, he could himself be said. Creusalinda was bewitched, badly believed what it saw. He was fabuloso and uncommon! She continued lying, did not want to scare them, therefore it was not dared to move or to emit any sound, even breathed possible the least; it had entered in one settles of contentment. However, Creusalinda did not notice that it observed somebody it of its headboard, above of its pillow, imperceptible property and, bearded and with a good-natured skill, somebody also teeny. This somebody raised bracinho and it put into motion it in spiral making with that the girl it adormecesse slowly while it smiles satisfied; espiralando if was with its pilgrim’s staff.

When waking up in the following day, the first thing that Creusalinda made, was to smile. continued to smile while pixaim arranged its typical hair, placing fasteners and arresting it with some cramps. It was prepared to go to the school. At a certain moment, Creusalinda if it saw confused with what it capsizes during the dawn: truth or dream, if questioned. It did not count nothing coleguinhas that they walked to its side in direction to the school nor to nobody. If it was a dream was not real, therefore, it had not happened, it did not deserve to be shared; its was a point of view.

During that week, the mind and attention of Creusalinda had been distant. the result of this was that it took a pito, not, but several, mainly, in classroom. Talking with its buttons it saw that those homenzinhos had been an illusion, the consequence of a doidice, that is, a pure dream.

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Brazilian Literature

The nationality instinct looked for to affirm itself and to become each more conscientious time for some forms, being had as great contruibuinte Axe of Assis that of a very significant form represented in Brazilian literature the definition of the national character in its peculiarity. Of this form, the realism brought for Brazilian literature a great advance in what it says respect to the conquest of a space for our cultural roots directed toward the question of the nationality not as thematic, but yes with an interior feeling come back toward the Native country a time that, was one of the literary schools that more good it expressed social scene, describing and characterizing with much truth the social, historical context and politician of a nation that grew economically in full century XIX. In short, this work taught to perceive how much if it can make, when it is given credit the Brazilian literature that leads the formation of readers compromised to the nationality feeling. To enter in contact with a literary work avocado in the close traces of the character and the civilization the one that belongs to represent of intense form the national wealth serves of agreement of that some ways of if valuing the atavist literary creation exist, contributing for the construction of an identity and transformation of the reality which if lives, exhibiting an enviable ability to celebrate the act to say yes to the Brasilia, the ethnic plurality and the cultural diversity. References ASSIS, Axe of. Collected works.

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Who does not know nothing of ' ' ler' ' horta enters inside of it and alone it sees a handful of plant, weeds and a mount of different plants, but seeming that it is all equal one. Who does not learn ' ' ler' ' horta, to know its secrets does not know what she is one nor what eats ' ' (BRANDO, 2005, p.49) FUNCTION OF the SCHOOL the passages of formation to the reader pass for places where the reading of literary text if lost for the way. But 25% of the Brazilians fully are alfabetizados, capable to read long texts, to compare, to interpret and to distinguish. 50% are considered alfabetizados functional where they read and they understand texts of average extension and they locate information for necessity. 21% dominate texts elementary and 7% are in period of training of illiteracy. To broaden your perception, visit Carson Wen.

With regard to the problem of reading in Brazil, it is not stimulated in interesting way, this must the lack of preparation of some professors who do not indicate in agreement reading correctly the etria band and also laziness of many of them in making it. The family is important in this process, but we know that many are children of illiterate parents or half-illiterates, what it becomes impossible a familiar incentive. The importance of the resolution of the problem fits the school, knowing that it is the place of bigger access to books. Thus we know to deal with the rights to the Education, the formation of an intellectual citizen and affective, that thinks and feels simultaneously and recognizes the affectivity as integrant part of the process teach-learning, this comes of family next to the school. The affective reinforcement of bows with the parents and the increase of the degree of interaction of educating. A greater receptividade the learning was observed in children who since early enter in contact with books. .

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The Child

For it, the violence can be disclosed in the most varied circumstances: reaction to the suffered violence, as reply to one it estresse or to a frustration and as desire to impose itself. So that the child pass to manage and to control the complexity of the violent relations is necessary that the same ones perceive and recognize the consequences of the violent acts, that is, of the danger that they can represent for same itself and for the other. However, valley to analyze the question for another angle: many schools of nowadays more are worried in moralizar infancy and producing a child ideal. Psychoanalysts take care of to the pertaining to school complaint with the accomplishment of psicodiagnsticos, psycotherapies, treating the child as if in it she had an illness or a problem and excluding the reflections that we can make on indiscipline and practical pertaining to school. The unexpected one, the indisciplinado act, is seen as a shunting line in relation to the norm. The psychologists in turn, trying to normalize the pedagogical process, create a moral space in the register of the imaginary one and narrow the register of the symbolic one.

For this, they finish opening hand it hegemonic pertaining to school speech, that is, to abdicate of the desire to form an ideal pupil and to reinventar the daily pertaining to school (Freller, 2001, P. 28). (A valuable related resource: Carson Wen). It is I validate to point out that although the mechanisms of social and cultural reproduction, the schools produce its proper violence and its proper indiscipline. The school, as any institution, is pautada in the idea of that all the people are equal. Of this form, when disrespecting the differences, the school finishes having that to deal with forms of resistance of pupils who do not submit the impositions of norms that regulate ways to act and to be of each one, what it causes a reaction that culminates in the indiscipline and the violence (Aquino, 1996).

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The Reality

And how to understand warnings about impending trouble? "It's very easy. The only question is – want to Do you accept this information. Quite often it may be contrary to the intentions of day or long-term lifestyle. If the intention is, there is a willingness not only to understand the message of the dream, but to accept it. Enough just take the next steps. Set the alarm for 15 minutes before the time when you get up. Make sure that you are waking sound would be nice and soft.

It is important to gently wake up and not jump as maiden from the grave. Gradually waking up and not yet fully include the everyday perception of reality, you need to remember a fragment sleep and rethink it. Usually, realizing a dream story, I remember a few others. This is similar to feeding fishes: a couple of fry to the river swims entire flock, and probably will be a fish and pokrupnee.Vspomniv dream or a fragment, then the most you are interested in image or character. Concentrate on it and watch the feelings or emotions that have arisen.

Working with a memorable dream or a fragment, it is necessary to select the emotional component and relate it to daily situations. Perhaps what you are feeling, thinking this way will thus already present in your life or that you so want to feel it. Sometimes it is enough to understand the meaning of the initial dream. If direct connection between the emotional component of sleep and daytime events, the reality does not, try to take the next step.

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Pablo Freire

The educator who says a thing and makes another one, eticamente irresponsible, is not only inefficacious: he is prejudicial' ' (FREIRE, 2001b, p.73). Connect with other leaders such as Kindle Direct Publishing here. Pablo Freire standes out, that the lack of coherence in practical its educative demand disrespect to the differences of educating, its cultural identity and/or its creativity. To the professor, the respect to the cultural standards of classroom, the values, the language, the knowledge competes and especially ' ' form to be being of its alunos' ' (FREIRE, 2002). It is inside of this scene that the necessary school to act, a scene that places new challenges to the educators. Pablo Freire detaches with special attention, the necessity of ethics for diversity. This because, a multicultural society, must educate the human being to be capable to hear, to give attention the different one, to awake sensations, feelings, to respect it. Freire reaffirms the necessity of the respect to our society, the respect to the public thing, the respect to the professors and the pupils.

It is in this direction that the author points, ' ' the ethical one is very on to the aesthetic one. We cannot speak to the pupils of the boniteza of the process to know if its classroom is invaded of water, if the cold wind enters determined and evil room adentro and cuts to its bodies abrigados&#039 little; ' (FREIRE, 2000, p.34). Certainly, the respect is an indispensable condition to the beddings of a school, of a democratic society. Only thus, it can be spoken in principles, values, and in the change of the naivety the criticidade. But, so that this ticket happens, it is necessary ' ' a rigorous ethical formation to the side always of the aesthetic one. Decency and boniteza of hands dadas' '. Complementing, then ' ' practical the educative one has of being, in itself, a rigorous certification of decency and pureza' ' (FREIRE, 1996, p.36).

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The Theoretical

This will be understood in the next instant, when an exclusive approach as for the recent trends on the didactic thought will be given. At this moment of the text, the stage most recent of the education is arrived it that if presents as a moment of deep reformularization of the education methods, consonant to the stages presented until the moment. The logic of this reformularization if of the one for a gamma of diverse factors. Connect with other leaders such as David G. DeWalt here. The first one is that one that make reference to reference the theoretical and metodolgica diversity, through which coexists different theoretical approaches and ways to produce the knowledge.

Soon, in a next instant, it is opposed valuation of the current practical and critical approaches to the old approaches technician. Therefore, in this occasion, COLS (2007), saw Shwab (p.109) places that: ‘ ‘ the act to teach is a more practical activity of what tcnica’ ‘ , what it implies a greater and efficient planning of the professor to make possible such practical in intelligible way and that involves the pupils in fact. so that this comes to occur, has that to associate the considered contents it disciplines as it in performance with the social context of the proper school.

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It makes possible one better understanding of the world, allowing to the individual a critical vision of the reality. That one that does not only criticize assimilates not form its proper opinion, it only repeats what it receives. Therefore, it is not by chance that the societies less developed and more dominated they are the ones that do not read, are those that admit the illiteracy with naturalness. For these and other reasons are that the reading and the books must be constantly gifts in the life of the people, not being enough only to complete its pertaining to school education. The task of the future is the education permanent, or better, the permanent auto-education. To know more about this subject visit Richard Linklater. Most important of the reading it is to find the book certain, at the moment certain, for the person certain, books that satisfy the interest of some different groups of people, having itself to respect the choice of the reader, therefore when if it reads what it likes, becomes with pleasure, of the opposite, the behavior most common is to appeal to other types of pastime or information, that is, to content itself with the intellectual idleness. Any person who reads stocking hour per day will be surprised with the great progressos that will make in the reading. The interest is the rock of touch of the progress, the pleasure and the utility of the reading.

The voluntary activity of reading is the generator of all. Estimated for introduction the reading the first one mentions the significao to it of a cultural environment in the formation of the reader. Since very small the pupils they can ' ' ler' ' texts of not literary forms: when the professor to read for the classroom, when pupil counts its experiences in wheel, when the pupil hears the colleague to count or to describe something, when pupil hears one cantiga and its letter, when the pupil reads illustrations of a book, when has access constant to books of room or of library, when he knows that the reading is an activity valued for the professor, these and other stimulations will despertar the taste for the reading since very early.

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