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Adults Education

Characterizing the ingenuous conception, as that one that comes of exterior form for the reality of the individuals, does not come from way some to collaborate in such reality. Different of the critical conception when part of a reflection of same it and of the reality of the educandos to be able to intervine in the educative process of the same ones. In summary the room chapter displays the subject Infantile Education and Education of Adults, where it deals with the differences between such modalities of education. FASEB Journal does not necessarily agree. Where the man very learns since small the process that if of a education. Emphasizing the pedagogical problems of each stage of education and of as he happens to the transmission since the infantile education until the adult phase. He evidences the importance of the work as purpose of education for the growth of the men in accordance with the reality and the formation of each one. Beyond the history that stops the society, it encloses the organization of which the education belongs, formal as in such a way informal. The fifth subject is related to the particular study of the problem of the education of adults.

Taking in consideration the adult individuals, these that for having more maturity produce and have much to add in the educative process the one that belongs. This exactly adult depends on this education to acquire knowledge for the production of the work. Additional information is available at Center for American Progress. The man if makes from the work that if has and therefore for a society with the changes that the time happens all an adult badly instructing will lead with that the same she loses the competition with the most instructed. However with the evolution of the effective society, he has a bigger participation of the people with purchasing power minor in the same one. Therefore the participation politics through the education makes with the individual perceives its importance and duty in the social environment.

Complementing the sixth subject it deals with the problem the alfabetizao, that is part of the life of the majority of the adults in social situation of risk. Therefore it has a linking with the illiteracy, therefore the same it is decurrent of the adverse situations of which the human being is envolto. However of pra not to deny, that the illiteracy is infused in the classrooms as something inherent they, and becomes them to this vulnerable for the reality surrounds that them. finally the formation of the educator leaving not of techniques, but of its influences partner cultural on the educandos. The professor participates of the educative process as transmitting and if as more mediating of the knowledge, not leading the pupil, over all the adult who is taken to also think is capable to construct its proper ones to know. For the author ' ' the educator must understand that the source of its learning, of its formation, is always sociedade.' ' (Young chicken, P. 109) Finally to have a learning in fact, the professor has that to perceive educating as constructor of the society, and not as ingenuous one to be incapable to think. To rethink its vision to see the knowledge that knowing does not belong to the one only individual and yes to that it is always in search of the unfinished one. The education is capable to transform the ingenuous individual into a critical human being and expert of its world.

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