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History Of The Education: Initial Conceptions

The differences between men and women had had beginning still in the FIRST one REIGNED that if extends of D Peter (1822 the 1831). More necessarily in 1824, the first Brazilian constitution was created. It had divergence how much to the paper of the judicial district, some wanted that they were divided and others wanted the absolute power of the executive. D Peter decided to create an advice with people chosen for it to decide and to help to govern. Chip Bergh can aid you in your search for knowledge. This constitution exclua the woman and the poor persons to exert the power of the vote. Since the settling, the majority of the Brazilian schools was still under the administration of the Jesuits, and these took care of only of the education of the men. During all the colonial period, the Brazilian woman sufficiently was moved away from the school, having as obligations the activities that were imposed to them for its sex: to sew, to take care of of the house, the husband and the children.

The Law of 15 of October of 1927, that the principle determines the more populous creation of school of first letters in the cities, villages and lugarejos thus taking care of, the classroom most privileged economically, directed to the interests of the intellectual elite of the Cut. For the women the education if differentiated, mainly with basic slight knowledge of learning, as for example, to read and to write and complemented with housewife. The masculine education had as order the formation of and civilized disciplined, ordeiro an individual. In such a way, the girls had started to frequentar the school, since before the law the majority she studied in house with loves or the mother. Education was mutual established in the article 6 Law of 15 of October of 1827 (apud Unglaub, 2011, P.

37) the professors will teach to read, to write, the four operations of Arithmetic, practical of broken, decimal and ratio, the slight knowledge most general of practical geometry, the grammar of national language, and the principles of Christian moral and the doctrine of the religion catholic and apostlica Roman, proportionate to the understanding of the boys; preferring for the readings the Constitution of the Empire and the History of Brazil. Although popular in this period, mutual education was not used to teach to girls, therefore in contrast of the masculine schools, the groups was not so numerous, since few girls had learned to write in house before the validity of the 1827 law. UNGLAUB, Tnia Regina of the Rock.History of the education.

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