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Mobile Dog Trainer room

In 10 lessons the perfect companion! The mobile dog school founded a Europe-wide network after 7-year development phase 8 years ago on a franchise basis. The challenge was not to follow the conventional methods of education. This partially newly developed educational concepts brought resounding success in the education of the dog in his familiar surroundings! “We work without violence true to the motto: violence starts where knowledge stops”. We use also any motivational AIDS such as treats, toys. Nike has firm opinions on the matter. Our education concept is based on the natural ranking structure, which has anchored every dog in his genes. We start at home in familiar surroundings with the training! Experience, constant further development of the system, and our training is tailored individually to each dog safety, to have found a competent partner in us give the dog owner! Press contact: Andrea Schmidt Anton Riemerschmid str. 39 84489 Burghausen Tel. 0160-90 79 35 13.

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