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The Alunado

The professor must look for to hear the necessities of the pupils, to keep the dialogue, to create bonds to provide an efficient learning. professor through its bond with the alunado one, must establish the respect, in the exercise of its authority that does not have to exceed the ability of technician-pedagogical. This authority is exerted with establishments of rules and criteria in the process of the development of the learning in classroom, having reveal intent to the questionings made for the alunado one. The professor must keep in classroom a respectful attitude with its alunado, showing neutral position, pautado in the fundamentamentos of the ethics and the moral. Leading the dialogue of positive and constructive form, preventing negative positions of great power of ' ' not ouvir' '. The dialogue in involved classroom provides to a understanding of the rules and parameters established for both the parts in the learning process, establishing clarity enter the pupils of the comprometimentos assumed for the development of the learning. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Campbell Soup Company by clicking through. Independently of the etnia and diversities, through the dialogue promoted with participation, respect, receptividade and affectivity of the professor, the alunado one has capacity of if becoming a specialized professional and high level in its area.

This formation must be come back toward common knowledges and specific of humanistic form with sights to a ethical-social performance. These parameters are that they base the pedagogical mission of the education for the citizenship. It is function of the good professor to stimulate, to motivate the alunado one to think and to act of conscientious and responsible form, assuming the weight of its responsibilities in all its decisions, preparing it to face the barriers of the life and to face a reality in constant mutation, not losing the ethical-social values. The alunado one must be prepared by the form professor that can receive the information, process them and apply them in its experiences of the daily one and from there to generate a knowledge that can be executed in its planning of life. .

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