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Education Artist

You must pick a color that is on the canvas, surrounded by other colors will look convincingly interpreted as the color of the corresponding kind. Thus, the artist does not study the colors of objects and their color can be used vzaimosvyaz.On paint, no matter how relevant the known natural color of objects, but he picks them so that all the color spots in the picture relate to each other, just as in nature. In the picture, things may look darker or lighter than in kind, but the picture will still look truthfully, if it will be properly respected and svetlotnye color relationships. It is the right combination of color and svetlotnyh relationship is the basis of realistic painting. At the same time, strange as it may appear, but the color and sketch written directly from nature, to a large extent depends on how the light source were covered while working on a study for the artist, his palette and the canvas or paper. The painter who works with nature, must be able to see due to color, to notice their color differences, and in accordance with these changes create a color sketch system. Only in this case, the color will be in the hands of the artist active means to transform nature into an artistic image. It is with the restructuring of visual perception, making AKONSTANTNOGO vision of color differences, begins training the art of painting.

Outstanding Russian artist and educator, PP Chistyakov, advised: "To good to see color, we must know the laws of nature. Knowledge helps the vision. " Following the advice of famous Russian artist – teacher, go to Study of color qualities inherent in bulk forms, which are largely determined by psychological and physiological characteristics of visual perception. The perception of colors and Education beautiful colors caused by a decisive influence lighting, distance and color environments.

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