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Feso School Educative Solutions

New feso School is a training center accredited located right in the center of Madrid. It offers formative programs of secondary education, loquacious (social humanities, sciences, sciences of the nature and the health), formative cycles of degree superior and the module superior of professional formation of physical and sport activities. All the courses are distributed by educational very preparations that enjoy an impeccable reputation and the students count on the support of professionals of psychology and the direction. Their facilities among others count on dining room, cafeteria, gymnasium, laboratory, polideportivo, room of audio-visual and room of computer science. Between the formative cycles Madrid of degree superior that can be attended in center it finds the one of international trade. Here, American filmmaker expresses very clear opinions on the subject. In this cycle the students learn to manage operations of export and import, to conduct operations of transaction of merchandise at international level, to organize their storage and its distribution and to carry out operations of financing to realise transactions. In addition, they have the opportunity to make professional practices in the main companies of the sector. One of the advantages to attend these studies is the great labor exit that they have, as much in the scope of the financial bank and organizations as in the one of the areas of international trade of companies. In the Web of the school all the necessary information can be found on the center (images of the facilities, programs, services, teaching staff, projects ) and can be had access to a virtual secretariat for professors, another one for students and another one for the families.

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