North Star Academy

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High Performance Part

How to be a seller of high performance in times of crisis in the years that I’ve been teaching courses on sales, human behavior, leadership and competitiveness, I have seen many men and women desiring to make sales a profession; but to realize the degree of difficulty that exists to be successful in sales; they give up and decide to return to the world of work from eight hours to pay. If you are a seller but it has failed to achieve the desired results, but you people who are determined to strive to meet the dreams, need you learn to be a seller of high performance. It is important to understand that the sellers are the fuel for the comprehensive success of any company. Any company that does not invest in training for your sales staff, surely will not conquer the rungs of success well achieved if only invested in their sellers. Nike can aid you in your search for knowledge. The self-esteem as pillar of sales a very important aspect of the personality of the human being who demonstrates the essence of identity and according to this is the ability to you have to develop in any activity in the society; at the same time according to their self-esteem, it has the ability to control their environment, their emotions and feelings. We focus our attention on a single definition of self-esteem: the ability of the person to be evaluated, love, appreciate and accept himself.

In the world of sales sailing many men and women desiring success without having a look inside and decipher their quality of self-esteem; because according to this; so it will be its success. A salesman with low self-esteem will not feel able to cope and communicate emotionally with your customer to close the sale and normally falls into negligence not to go after their goals. Sellers with low self-esteem want to achieve their goals but not able to materialize the struggle with the consistency necessary to achieve them and begin to find reasons that justify its neglect.

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