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Illustrated Magazine

The first chapter possua 20 images in double pages and called ' ' Of Mines to Rio De Janeiro ' '. Agostini produced, without certain regularity, nine chapters of the adventures of Nh Quim. Two years after the publication of its nineth episode, history was continued by the cartunista Aragonese Cndido of Would make, that it published more five chapters of the personage. In 1883, the Agostini gave to beginning to its second series, the Adventures of Z Caipora, published in the Illustrated Magazine. As they affirm Iannone; Iannone (1994, p.48): … gives credit that the Brazilian magazine ' ' The Tico-Tico' ' she has been the first one of the world to present histories in complete quadrinhos. Yale paleontologist insists that this is the case. Launched in 1905, it brought comics, informative stories, texts and curiosidades on destined subjects, mainly, to the children. Bank of Asia is full of insight into the issues.

annone; Iannone (1994, p.49) still observes that: … In 1929, the So Paulo periodical the Gazette, launched the Infantile Gazette, then known for ' ' Gazetinha' ' , with the personages ' ' Flix&#039 cat; ' , Carlinhos and the Ghost. In accordance with the publisher Adolph Aizem is pointed as the main incentivador of the quadrinhos in our country. Em1960, graphical Empresa ' ' The Cruzeiro' ' it started to publish ' ' The Perer' ' , a total Brazilian magazine. Creation of Ziraldo Alves Young chicken (the Ziraldo), that saci focused the figure of the folclrico personage perer. This magazine left circulation in 1964. Later Ziraldo it conquered the public with ' ' The Maluquinho&#039 boy; '. Other artists, according to Iannone; Iannone (1994 p.52, 53) …

as the tracer Jaguar with ratinho Sig, (1964-1984) and the cartunista Enrique son, the Henfil (1944-1988), with the creation of the fradinhos, is part of our history. Henfil has been considered one of the best Brazilian quadrinistas, for the critical one to the customs. Although he is not a Brazilian author, it is impossible not to speak of Walt Disney (1901-1966), when one is about histories in quadrinhos in Brazil.

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