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Karl Marx

Weber, for Hobsbawm Marx bourgeois, subverte the ideas of the first one, according to it was the protestantismo, mainly the Calvinista chain, that allowed valuation of the work, usury and the alfabetizao in mass of the regions had adopted that it, since it believed that all would have to read the bible and interpret it and that those that progressed honest for the work would be in the way of the paradise in beyond. Nietzche was rebelled against this idea, for it the protestantismo in the truth hindered that the Renaissance had a bigger development and that the wealth of the Classic Culture if kept in the Ocidente. For it the Man fruit of the ideas of the Reformation and the Iluminismo would be inferior to the Classic Man, Renascentista or of Islamic Spain. (2005) The Psychoanalysis allows to think that as in the case of the Jews, the subliming of the protestant sexuality was more effective that the Catholic, since even so its religious ones were married had a reduced interest and ample sexual restriction between couples of calvinistas and Jewish shepherds allowing that good part of the libido was transformed into intellectual and economic impulse in contrast of the corrupt church of the Renaissance where prostitution prevailed. Religious catholics are hindered of if to also marry they finished if becoming ascticos more and he does not have descendants who to leave its richnesses limiting the accumulation. The hegeliana dialectic that influenced the proper Karl Marx (Dialtico Materialism) allows that if it tries to mediate a conflict of ideas making a synthesis in which an one of the ideas or new boarding prevails. An analogy with the Darwinismo allows to mediate this conflict. The theory of the evolution of the species believes, in the biology, that the beings suffer to mutations the majority from which she is deleterious and the organisms in which they appear finish being eliminated.

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