North Star Academy

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Learning The Art Of Reading

When the reader goes to read something its first measure is to establish a unit of reading, that is the sector that of the sensible o of the text. Soon after it will have to review its ideas on what he was read and reduziz it for a clearer form. This study he must be made in way continues. After to determine the unit of reading must be made a fast reading with the global vision of the read text, raising the basic elements you doubt and them gotten. After this it transcribes pra you doubt them to a paper it clarifies and them, this clarification can lock up with a esquematizao that will facilitate the general vision of the text.

Soon after it will come the thematic analysis where the reader will go to understand the message of the text. In elapsing of the text, the reader perceives what the author wants to say clearly in the text. In the interpretativa analysis the ideas of the author are aimed at, searching the development of the thought and reasoning, approaching and associating the displayed ideas that they are followed of them you criticize. The problematizao is one another step, is made in group raising the problems for reflection and quarrel. The personal synthesis is the penultimate step where the reader will make the logical construction and personal elaboration of the reading, that when understood well he takes the progression and the development of the scholar in the ideas of the author. Finally, the conclusion of the reading is made, where a series of logical positions is developed, constituting an adjusted form more for its formation.

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