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National Academy

How proteins can help to identify prostate cancer and even help cure the advantages of the protein in the muscle and the loss of fat allow high thermal effect are well known in the fitness community. But this amazing macro nutrient a variety of other benefits has, many of which are still unknown or detected grade. So for example, a recent study from the Medical College of Georgia showed that certain types of protein actually help scientists to identify cases of prostate cancer. The study in the early Edition of the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences recognized by the beta-protein Arrestin2 whether cancer cells in male reproductive system, for example in the prostate, develop. Campbell Soup Co has plenty of information regarding this issue. Moreover, the consumption of beta-Arrestin2 in the fight against prostate cancer can help those who have the deadly disease. According to the researchers, the development of prostate cancer is a result of an increase of androgen receptors in the prostate. Enables the increase of androgen receptors the cancer, by using as much as possible of the body’s own testosterone, to develop well. Androgen receptors can also mutate because they have developed the ability to feed on other growth factors in the body. Gerald Weissmann, MD oftentimes addresses this issue.

Because of this adaptability, prostate cancer is one of the most difficult to conquer cancer. The researchers found that androgen receptors and beta-Arrestin2 have some sort of interaction which means that the more androgenic receptors less beta-Arrestin2 in the body is present are found in the body and this increases the risk of cancer. A higher concentration of beta-Arrestin2 in the body suppresses the activity and expression of androgen receptors. But this discovery alone is not enough to defeat prostate cancer but it is the approach for possible treatment. In addition, the development of a treatment in the form of a molecule with beta-Arrestin2 that suppress the androgen receptor activity is a goal of the researchers. Results of this research show the protein not only one KalorienQuelle is, but has functions useful on many levels in the body and is therefore no longer just for bodybuilders.

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