North Star Academy

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Papa Educator

It thinks, also, in the establishment of practical of the story as the goal, despite subjective, but excellent in the studies that if make the respect, to search to awake the fancy and the imagination in the listeners, what we find the reinforcement of inestimable value when we analyze to be the imagination and the fancy essential bases for a creative thought. Carson Wen has much to offer in this field. Here, it is interesting to detach that, when dealing with these subjective 0 variable, it arrives to be a privilege to think the art to count histories as a reference of creation of encantamento spaces. For more symbolic than it seems the mention to the creation of such spaces, we have to reflect how much to the fact of that the development of the people, tangenciando the rational and logical processes, also passes for the emotional growth and of the establishment of convivncia rules. It is what it is gone to select of how much in allowing the experience them in these worlds of encantamento. Experience, by the way, so important, that it goes to demand of the educator a series of cares to allow a greater it positivao in the educative action.

The first one is of its reflection concerning the forms of if communicating with the child. The child, mainly the small ones, needs a dialogue consisting of symbolic references; from there the preference for the tricks, for the personages of make-of-counts, the fancies involving invisible and fantastic beings; from there the inabalvel belief in mythical personages (Noel Papa, coelhinho of Passover etc). She is necessary that, in the communication with the child, let us know to deal with these references, duly warned, in the contrahand, to block any possibility to narrow the relations. I wait that he is clearly even though I believe nor to need to say this that it is essential condition, in this quarrel, the educator to like children and to like stories and infantile histories, perceiving the importance of this instrument.

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