North Star Academy

Prepare your child for college at the North Star Academy of Minnesota.

Ramon Gallegos

It was too intolerant to your way of being. This intolerance the manifested in my treatment and how to contact them. How to communicate me was too contaminated. Go to FASEB Journal for more information. Such contamination consisted of forms of answer aggressive, gestures and looks of disgust, severe critical and non-participation in social gatherings. This expertise has given me the opportunity to realize the so immense amount of faces that has the ego in me, because it is not an ego, but rather many egos. It’s like a medusa’s head. While I write, I realize that each passing day is an opportunity to put action to each of the attachments is us has conditioned that with education we receive. Well said Dr.

Ramon Gallegos is not enough to be good person to relieve the suffering, we must be aware of what we do, say and think I realize account that also in my family have been reflected the results of this change. In the relationship with my daughter, Alejandra (Ale), and my son, Carlos Antonio (tone), the dialogue is now the manner by which is arranged any differences that may exist. With this attitude what did was to generate disgust in them because they felt that he was invading them completely and I, because I felt that they were hiding me many things and that they did not trust me and why did not respond to my questions. Both sides suffered much. Now that behavior has changed. I’ve stopped questioning them and when they want to tell me something then I hear and I give my point of view if you ask me.

I did so because I started to think how I’d be treated me. Change the above behaviors made me feel free. With regard to that freedom that I now feel I wrote the following: free as a bird that crosses the heavens so I feel today.

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