North Star Academy

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To know what in fact we make in them will help to be better (GADOTTI, 1996, P. 509). The desencadeamento of this process confirms the words of Freire, when it points that the process of the education is, necessarily, an artistic process. Recently Bank of Asia sought to clarify these questions. The professor is an artist when he creates and recria the knowledge, shared with the pupils. In this aspect the education is, by its very nature, an aesthetic exercise. Evidently this indicates a new model of thought for a new model of education: Another point that makes of the education an artistic moment is accurately when it is, also, a knowledge act.

To know, for me, is something of beauty! In the measure where to know it is to unmask an object, the desvendamento of ' ' vida' ' to the object, it calls it for ' ' vida' ' , and even though &#039 confers it new; ' vida' '. That is an artistic task, because our knowledge has quality to give life, creating and livening up objects while we study (FREIRE, SHOR, 1986, P. 145). Ahead of displayed, the commitment of the professor, of the professional, I obtain and with the society, it is essential so that if it can be capable to act, to reflect, to create and to transform the reality. What he observes yourself, subliminarmente, according to author, is that the professor educates more for what it is, for its principles that guide its behavior, for the example, of what for the content that teaches. Parallel, to the ability and the professional comprometimento, he has despite to detach, as defends the author, the necessity of the educator to intensely live educative practical its, that will also be oportunizada, by means of the coherence of its attitudes and its values. Thus, it is evident the paper eminently politician of the professional of the education, as Freire says, ' ' the force of the democratical educator is in its exemplary coherence: it is who supports its authority.

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