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Few Handyman Masons

The word masonry immediately evokes in our minds a great work which needs to employ exclusively to large enterprises with architects, surveyors, and professionals. And if it is a repair or a simple reform at home is still complicated more. This typically frighten a few fans, why handyman, I want to share a couple of tips and tricks with people that try to be what is today fashion a good husband for hours after be doing many reforms in Tenerife and want to look with your family with professionalism in the work performed. Actually repairs and small reforms can perform them a handyman well breaded taking into account several factors: 1. know the properties of the materials and the proportions of each of them to be used as mortars, cements, aggregates, blocks etc. Depending on the climatic zone some materials with different properties are used as for example in the peninsula brick is used and vibrated concrete block is used in the Canary Islands. Ambient temperature influences the choice of additives to used to prepare mortars and concretes because it affects the life time of the mixture, to speak more clearly the time that it takes the concrete harden. A handyman should be very well informed to not wasting materials by misuse them and not lose, therefore, an unexpected money.

2 Know planning reform or repair which includes making a sketch, remove materials calculations. Once done the sketch, we begin to remove the calculation of necessary materials taking into account measures of repairs or reforms that we want to perform. When we measure it is important to take into account the performance of them to not make unnecessary expenditures and also consider a certain margin of wear of materials. A handyman should look at the instructions of the manufacturer of the products. 3 Having information about the novelties on the market of the territory where we are. There are endless varieties of products on the market hence its selection should be carried out based on their own qualities, as well as the money we want to spend in the repair and their easy acquisition in the region where we are to not lengthen the time of implementation of the reforms. A handyman should be proactive and make sure that the repair does not run due to lack of materials, also avoids wasting time in the comings and goings to the shops, saving money on the road.

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