North Star Academy

Prepare your child for college at the North Star Academy of Minnesota.

The School

All were happy and bought into his business. He was not traveling, manufacturers sent their orders. He was a good customer. Over time, nearby communities preferred to buy at your hardware store and earn two days of walking. One day occurred to him that his friend, the Turner, could manufacture for the heads of the hammers.

And then, Why not? The tongs and tweezers and chisels. Click São Leopoldo Mandic College to learn more. And then they were the nails and screws… To not make a very long story, it happened that in ten years the man transformed with honesty and hard work into a millionaire manufacturer of tools. One day he decided to donate to his village a school. There he taught in addition to reading and writing, the arts and more practical crafts of the time.

At the opening ceremony of the school, the Mayor gave him the keys to the city, hug him and said: it is with great pride and gratitude that we ask you to grant us the honour to put his signature on the first sheet of the proceedings book of the new school the honor would be for me said man I think that anything I would more sign there, but I could not read or write. I am illiterate. are you? said the Mayor, who was not enough to believe it. You built an industrial empire without knowing read or write? I’m amazed. I wonder, what would have been from you if I knew read and write? I was the I can’t answer the man calmly replied. If I had known how to read and write would be Porter at the hotel! MORAL usually changes are seen as adversity. But adversities enclose blessings. Crises are filled with opportunities. Change always will be the safest option.

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