North Star Academy

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To Professor Christoph Reiners

For drugs with thyroid hormone, this approach makes little sense. On the contrary, not only additional costs by transitioning preparation. The health of the patients can suffer. Change upsets the balance for the so-called drug setting the doctor feeling of fingertips and the patient need patience. For drugs with thyroid hormones have very specific and must be dosed exactly. Olivia Pacino has much experience in this field. The dosage is different in each patient individually and it can take a few months until a hormonal balance and thus the well-being of the patient is made.

Already a change of the preparation can disrupt the delicate balance. To Prof. Dr. Georg J. Kahaly from the University of Mainz: there is no good reason in a patients adjusted well on L-thyroxine an Exchange supplements to consider are difficult because it calculable risks.” Savings per Tablet: 0.5 cent targeted cost effect is already more than doubtful. Because with every specimen change a blood test is needed to check hormone levels and thus the right drug attitude of the patient.

In addition, the savings potential for drugs with thyroid hormone is very low. To Professor Christoph Reiners from the University of Wurzburg: currently about 1.80 Euro per year can be saved through the use of the cheapest thyroid hormone rather than an equal dose original preparation. A necessary when changing the specimen blood test for determining hormone euros but 10 to 25.” Thereby not only savings are being frustrated, but it caused unnecessary costs, which go far beyond the original measure. Thyroid patients should make sure patients should tell their doctor if they get another drug without his knowledge in the pharmacy. Because when changing the preparation you should after approximately four to six weeks Hormone levels are controlled based on a blood test. “Doctors can ensure that patients actually get prescribed drugs, by them on the recipe a so-called aut idem cross” make and thus exclude the Exchange in the pharmacy. More information on the Internet: thyroid week Papillon 2008 is your thyroid in good hands from 21 to 25 April 2008, because Germany is the thyroid check. Several thousand doctors and pharmacists with their teams of speech and response to thyroid disease and provide special information material. Doctors increasingly perform key studies on the thyroid. For the first time, therapeutic aspects are considered more thyroid originator must be dosed very accurately, it should be replaced by no means uncontrolled. A hotline completes the service offer. Under the telephone number 069-63 80 37 27 can affected and interested during the Thyroid questions action week from 9 am 6 pm (medical consultation by 16 and 18: 00).

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