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Consideraes Final

Informer D showed in them that: is important to appreciate with literature the pleasure of the practical one of reading, to feel the beauties that the words can providing in them and learning the diverse types of texts: stories, fbulas and others. indicating way to them to act, to show its pleasures, desires and other feelings to it. This aid the man if to know better. The literature of to the life, the direction of the words. Thus when reading a literary text, can be felt the beauties and pleasure that it provides. Literature can be defined as an element of catarse, an element of the knowledge of the world, as much of the past, and the gift, as of the mentality of a society or time, an essentially on element to the man, to its proper knowledge, an element of formation and development in all the fields of knowing: intellectual, moral, ideological and until aesthetic.

Thus literature, in its set of functions, starts to exert its essential function, the humanizadora. Consideraes Final Is clear, thus, the importance that literature exerts in the social environment, over all in the participant and responsible man for the maintenance of this way. On the other hand, literature alone will exert all fully its functions, if it will be granted the importance that it fits to it, as well as an effort of interpretation and understanding of its meaning more correct. This interpretation and understanding result of an action which we are all effecting in day-by-day, since more tenra age: the practical one of the reading. To the end of this article, we raise some important points for the literature education.

One of them is the use of the didactic book in classroom, therefore the professors must change its concepts of education, and start to use resources that call the attention and interest the pupil. With the research we are knowing as it walks the education of literature in the selected city, and the results had not been so satisfactory, therefore some professors need to improve its form of education, so that they can awake in the pupils the taste for literature. Ahead of the results, the research will be able to contribute for a new vision concerning the literature education, as well as an incentive professor to give to more to it disciplines it value of Literature, therefore this has functions importantssimas for the learning formation and human being. References BUNZEN, Clcio; MENDONA, Mrcia (org.). Portuguese in average education and the formation of the professor. So Paulo: Parabola, 2006. CANDIDO, Antonio. Texts of intervention. So Paulo: Two Cities, 2002. PAIVA, Appeared. MARTINS, Aracy. PAOLINO Favour. CORRA, Hrcules. VERSIANI, Zlia (org) Literature: to know in movement. Belo Horizonte: CEALE; Authentic, 2008. ZILBERMAN, Regina. IT HISSES, Ezequiel Theodoro of (org.). Reading: perspectives interdisciplinares. So Paulo: It stokes, 19885.

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