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Portuguese Language

In this aspect NERY it says the following one: Resumidamente, can be divided the history of the Portuguese orthography in three distinct periods. The first one adopted the fonogrfico principle. This period goes of the beginning of the language until century 16. In this phase, if it defended that the orthography would have to be next possible to the pronunciation of the words. As the period is called pseudoetimolgico and encloses centuries 16, 17 and 18. One understood that the words had to be grafadas according to its origins. In the case of the Portuguese language, the forms Greeks and Latins predominate.

The third period is called description-scientific and encloses centuries 19 and 21. This period is characterized for the elaboration of some ortogrficos agreements. Then, one perceives that comparative with chronology of the Portuguese language the ortogrficos attempts of reforms of the language and agreements between the lusfonos countries are recent. Until the primrdios of century XX in such a way in Brazil how much in Portugal if it used an orthography based we timos on them Latin and Greek in the grafia of each word. This caused diverse distortions in the writing. Therefore, for 1907 return the Brazilian Academy of Letters starts to simplify the writing some publications. Already Portugal with institution of the Republic starts in 1910 is created a commission to establish a uniformizada orthography and simplified that originated the 1911 reform, it was the first intervention of the state in the attempt to simplify and to normatizar the writing of the Portuguese Language. Valley to stand out that in this Portugal period it finishes to implant the Republic and the government had the interest to increase the escolaridade of the population and to fight the illiteracy. This reform had a great impact in the form to write and in official publications, also it served of parameter for other reforms that had come later.

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