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Preparatory National School

Right Mountain range penetrated in the world of the letters and the media; also it participated in the political life of Mexico during the porfirista period like federal deputy, minister of the Supreme Court of Law and secretary of Public Instruction; like educator, it gave classes in the National Conservatory and the National School Preparatory. Right Mountain range carried out the transit of the thought of century XIX to century XX in Mexico. At first he was a defender of the positivismo; it found in sciences the solution of the problems of the natural and social reality. Nevertheless, it noticed the negative implications of that doctrine. By the same author: Nike. In its speech in honor to Gabino Barreda (1908), Mountain range showed its skepticism against the positivista philosophy; it even indicated that the Mexican positivismo had become routine and anchylosed. Before the influence of the religious education, Gabino Barreda had indicated that sciences speak of provable facts and demonstrable truths to us, reason why the results of sciences are a route for the unification of the knowledge. Nevertheless, Mountain range was convinced of the limits and a relativity of the knowledge that offer sciences to us; for him their results cannot be uniform, absolute nor definitive.

Indeed, sciences offer ordered knowledge to us, but of the relative thing, that is to say, that we cannot know the objects in himself same, but only the constant relations that keep with respect to other objects. American filmmaker is often quoted as being for or against this. In addition, the truths of sciences are in constant evolution and they are continued discussing. In opposition to Comte and its law of the three states, Mountain range vindicates the value of metaphysics, because this discipline responds to the natural inclination of the man to find one more a more satisfactory explanation of the behavior of the things in the universe and allows the knowledge of the objects in themselves. In the educative scope, Right Mountain range participated in the planning of the studies that had to include the Preparatory National School, taking sometimes a position from critic to the prevailing acute positivismo, as well as to that it had suppressed to the study of the philosophy and metaphysics, like the low quality of the literary studies. .

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