North Star Academy

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Antoniel does not consider its writing in the poster as entendvel text for not being in the standards valued for the school, by the way, it does not consider it nor as text. Exactly the construction of the poster being a letramento event situations where the written language is integrant part of the nature of the interaction between the citizens and its processes of interpretation – the involved citizens does not value these types of texts for finding that they are not inside of the standards demanded for the school or being considered texts limited, if analyzed from the conception of text that is propagated in the schools. In this direction, it has the necessity to understand that the practical ones of letramento start to depend on the objective for which if needs to use the writing, the option for a sort must serve to the immediate objectives of use. Add to your understanding with Educational psychology. The conditions of use of the writing in minority groups come being argued and described for theoreticians and studious in perspective of not more to estimate only effect universal of letramento, but that these effect are related to practical social and the cultural ones of the different groups that use the writing, however, this vision not yet reached many pertaining to school institutions, between them the School of the Escoval farm, at least in practical the pedagogical ones who are part of the routine of the school. Although theoretically to have an advance in relation to the valuation of the practical scholars of minoritarizados groups, many events of reading and writing that still happen in this agency are distant of this significao, representing a rupture in the ways to mean for diverse pupils and pupils, mainly to whom they are part of sanctioned social classrooms less as the population of the field, and therefore, they do not believe to be capable to construct ' ' textos' ' efficient, the example of the Antoniel pupil, without if giving account that its you speak daily are part of a confusion of ideas that they exceed structuralized lingusticos limits, configuring itself as texts (BIRTH, 2008). .

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The Secretariat

Arriving before the Secretary of the Center, greeting and said:-Senorita, come by the response to my request, to continue studies here. The Secretariat, took a sealed envelope in your drawer and reached it and told him:-here is Mr. Apolinario Carpio, thank you for your order.Alli this response, the registration begins next week, read at home and proceed as there shown him.Thank you. Apolinario came out happy, walk a few blocks and go to a soda fountain, sat down at a table, asked for a cup of ice cream and then, while waiting seen, rush opened the sealed envelope of the University. He began to read and I am stunned. His request was denied. He said the document that: evaluations carried out days before, the showed serious deficiencies in reading comprehension, which were unfit to continue studies in that House of knowledge.

Any one of us, by very professional that we could be many times, by attempting to take the hair, joke, could be rejected outright, of any opportunity employment or studies. Many adults, despite the fact that already graduated from the school, still with problems to understand the meaning of a text, not come to realize what you are told, teaches, explains, he advises. Nor with illustrations they can reach to understand the message of his interlocutor. These shortcomings, either by mongolismo, mental retardation, chronic stupidity, poor feeding, development of idiom, are common in our time and serious limitations for the study at a distance for example. Distance education requires that the student be able to understand, understand, and learn with Visual AIDS, summary readings, themes developed in cd, dvd, others to be chosen for the process. Even professionals are graduates of universities that have this problem, which makes impossible them to continue doctoral, master, lagging behind in their careers, while others advance by leaps and, in his specialty.

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Arriving before the Secretary of the Center, greeting and said:-Senorita, come by the response to my request, to continue studies here. The Secretariat, took a sealed envelope in your drawer and reached it and told him:-here is Mr. Apolinario Carpio, thank you for your order.Alli this response, the registration begins next week, read at home and proceed as there shown him.Thank you. Apolinario came out happy, walk a few blocks and go to a soda fountain, sat down at a table, asked for a cup of ice cream and then, while waiting seen, rush opened the sealed envelope of the University. He began to read and I am stunned. His request was denied.

He said the document that: evaluations carried out days before, the showed serious deficiencies in reading comprehension, which were unfit to continue studies in that House of knowledge. Any one of us, by very professional that we could be many times, by attempting to take the hair, joke, could be rejected outright, of any opportunity employment or studies. Many adults, despite the fact that already graduated from the school, still with problems to understand the meaning of a text, not come to realize what you are told, teaches, explains, he advises. Nor with illustrations they can reach to understand the message of his interlocutor. These shortcomings, either by mongolismo, mental retardation, chronic stupidity, poor feeding, development of idiom, are common in our time and serious limitations for the study at a distance for example. Distance education requires that the student be able to understand, understand, and learn with Visual AIDS, summary readings, themes developed in cd, dvd, others to be chosen for the process. Even professionals are graduates of universities that have this problem, which makes impossible them to continue doctoral, master, lagging behind in their careers, while others advance by leaps and, in his specialty.

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Professor Ghiraldelli

Axe of Assis is an extremely didactic example of reading education. For it you can learn to not only read the book in itself, but some commentaries and notice contained in the book and children who possess the access the Axe of Assis progress much more and the country that tends economically and socially to grow makes it of time with the injection of people scholars. But the Brazilian schools (and in this in case that public, but also particular and particular on ones religious institutions) are not imported in letrar, but in alfabetizar its pupils. A time alfabetizados, that is, a time it having capacity to read, or being apt for such it is played in second degrees that useless and very little contents pour usable in the life and learn the magical way of the copies, the sites and, mainly, of control c and control v and seems that in a magician pass who would have as second step to read definitively has the brecado process on account of a pedagogia that not pedagogical in some schools. It is a situation lamentable and alarming, but comprovvel in any plan of lesson (when they exist), in any college and even though college. The people become more shes-ass (in the direction pointed for Professor Ghiraldelli Jr In one of the final aforismos of the text of Horkheimer Adornment on the burrice as fixidez, stop, to park) in the measure where they gain degrees in the coasts because they are incapable to leave its perches and to sing of rooster in another clientele. great part of this exactly must nobody nor to teach and others not to learn (as if it learns without education). The degree of comprometimento of the reading in Brazil is so great that many people, in relation to the Politics, at least know what is if to locate in a place of center-left or social democracy.

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Education Quality Improvement

To improve the Quality of the Education? We know that so that a country really obtains to develop itself she is necessary that it obtains to take care of to all the basic necessities of the population that is housing, health, basic health and the most important education. John Donahoe CEO brings even more insight to the discussion. The education is the base most important for the formation of a country. With an educational standard of quality they are had professional of quality in any branches. In elapsing of the years what it comes worrying thousand of people it is as it is the development of the Brazilian education, for what we can perceive in the results gotten through annual research on the quality of the education had a great advance, but only in amount, therefore in the quality observes it not effectiveness of some methods used as of progression continued, system of cycles and not the pertaining to school reprovao. The education it needs to have quality since the beginning of the pertaining to school cycle of the child, therefore it is where it will start to give to the first steps route to its formation and the same one will be had imperfections in this process will persist in elapsing of previous phases, where one is playing the responsibility on the back of the other leaving to be worried about what it really imports the formation of the pupil.

Perhaps these methods recommended for the MEC (Ministry of the Education) of the reprovao in the first years of the pupil did not serve for a country that already had with a good level of education, therefore for Brazil would only aggravate the case because the biggest difficulties of the pupils have that to be decided soon at the beginning of its educational cycle. To disapprove a pupil does not want to say that it is for punishing it or humiliating it and a way to try to still solve the problem in the series that it meets and not to leave thus so that the professor of the following series decides and successively. What it has happened is that children are being approved without knowing the least to write or to read that they write, they only transcribe what she is in the picture for the notebook and thus follows for the next series, being still more difficult its learning. To improve the quality of the education means to have qualified professors and able for they deal with any type of situation, to have didactic materials of quality, to have transport so that the low income children obtain to go to the school, to offer a good snack for the pupils, since she was proven scientifically that a child to learn it needs to be fed well, to offer good equipment to the schools. But because it will be that the government does not invest in the education? It will be that it wants beings not pensantes, that does not see the errors committed, that do not demand its rights, wants to continue covering the eyes of the citizens so that these remain been silent. Brazil is a country that has a great potential to grow, this if to know to deal with the precariousnesses that exist here.

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Practical Education

To know necessary to practical the educative one. So Paulo, 23a edition, Publishing company Peace and Land, 2002. Pablo Freire Nasceu in Recife in 1921 and faleceu in 1997. One of the great pedagogos of the respected present time is considered and world-wide. More information is housed here: film director. It published some workmanships that had been translated and commented some countries.

Its first educational experiences had been carried through in 1962 in Angicos, in the Rio Grande of the North, where 300 agricultural workers if alfabetizaram in 45 days Its activities are interrupted with the military blow of 1964. Some of its main workmanships: Education as Practical of Freedom, Pedagogia of the Oppressed one, Letters to the Guin Bissau, Living and Learning, the importance of the act to read. According to author, is necessary to have hope to face the problematic one of the learning and if not to deliver to the comodismo. Educate yourself with thoughts from Vladislav Doronin. Thus, to look for of certain form to thus instigate the reflection and the brainstorming and to become possible to weave the life with objectives. Therefore of this reasoning, to open a quarrel in the innovative direction, therefore to be in the problem and not to search solutions does not have bedding and the meaningless life, as the pointed ranks. She is necessary that each citizen, is not only one citizen or object of study of history, but that it is a citizen in action, capable to transform from certainties of changes, therefore the citizen that if bothers with the situation and does not search solutions for its problems it will not be capable to find its identity, its reality and to look ways that can of certain form change the way to think and to act about the situation where to be impregnated in the society where it is part.

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Portuguese Language

' But what the education of the Portuguese language in education is same fundamental.' ' John Anderson Macedo Saints 1 Midiane Venceslau Dos Santos 2 The present work has for objective to provoke a reflection of what it is to always teach to the Portuguese language the falantes of the Portuguese raising some questionings as: the conception of language, its use, the utility, the objectives, at last, the idea is to argue the concept that the professors have to this respect and to compare them it the specialized theoretical studies in this subject as, for example, the studies of Ferdinand de Saussure that says to be the language divided in two, the formalist (structure and project) and the funcionalista (the language in use). In this way, would have the professor to teach to languages instead of language, being an officer (the cultured standard) and another not-officer (dominated for the falante), in other words, a writing conducted for rules and said other, created from the communicative necessity without considering the form? According to Saussure (1980, p.16) ' ' The language has an individual side and a social side, being impossible to conceive one without outro.' ' It is in this context that starts, then, in fact the quarrel around the education of the language a time that, after the decade of 1970, started to have between the specialized studious intellectuals and in the subject, a deeper quarrel on the language and its education. Gerald Weissmann, MD oftentimes addresses this issue. From this moment, a called chain appears linguists who will make critical forceful regarding education, of the paper of the language, etc., and, will consider a new model for education, having considered this dualidade between the said language and the written language. In the case of Brazil, these changes pass to be observed in Parmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN), when this establishes as one of its objectives to guarantee the common basic formation. Bfpl is likely to increase your knowledge.

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German Gadamer

… A text never exists alone, but for reference, opposition or contribution to other texts, in which it more than opens a dialogue in the times implicit. It is read, then, in two levels: of point of view that tries to elaborate – from the experience with that it works – and in the universe where this point of view if inserts (FOUCAMBERT, 1997, p.106 and 111). In the truth, in if treating to school, all they know and they learn to read, but it has a very great gamma of possibilities of readings. Therefore, she is necessary, to the professor, to have clearly that reading if waits that pupil knows. It’s believed that Gerald Weissmann, MD sees a great future in this idea. In this direction, the theory of the reception, that values the paper of the reader as party to suit of production of the workmanship, comes to contribute for one better agreement of what it is reading, especially reading of the literary text. Considered the most recent manifestation of the hermeneutics study of the meaning of the text, the theory of the reception opposes it German Gadamer, hermeneuta, a time that it does not concentrate itself in studying only workmanships of the past. The aesthetic one of the reception of the great importance for the paper of the reader in literature, as already was said before.

It considers that reading and author is equally important, therefore the text alone has literary value for the significao who is attributed to it by the reader, with the practical one of the reading. For the theory of the reception the act of the reading if of the one in a dynamic process in which the reader has its horizon of expectations exactly modified when this is reaffirmed: … The reading is not gradual a linear movement, a question mere cumulative: our initial speculations generate a picture of references for the interpretation of what it comes to follow, … .

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History And Memory

‘ ‘ The history concept seems to place six types of problems: 1. That relation exists between lived history, history ‘ ‘ natural’ ‘ , seno ‘ ‘ objetiva’ ‘ , of the societies human beings, and the scientific effort to describe, to think and to explain this evolution, historical science? The removal of both in special has allowed the existence of one disciplines ambiguous: the philosophy and histria.’ ‘ (P. 07) ‘ ‘ 2. Today the historians if interest each time more for the relations between history and the memory. 3.

The dialectic of history seems to summarize itself in a position or present a last dialogue/. In general, this opposition is not neutral but subtende, or states, a system of attribution of values, as for example in the pairs old/modern, progress reao’ ‘. (p.07- 8) ‘ ‘ 3 In the level of the prxis of the historians, it comes being developed one criticizes of the concept of origins and the notion of gnese it tends to substitute the idea of origem.5. In contact with other social sciences, the historian tends distinguished it today different historical duraes. 6. The idea of the history of the man was substituted by the idea of history as history of the men in sociedade’ ‘. (p.08) ‘ ‘ Since the antiquity, historical science, congregating written documents and making of them certifications, had surpassed the limit of the half century or the century enclosed for the historians who of it had been eyewitnesses and auricular. It them limitations also imposed for the verbal transmission of passado’ ‘. (P. 09) ‘ ‘ To catch uncurling of history and to make of it the object of a true science, historians and philosophers, since the antiquity, they had been strengthenn for finding and defining the laws of histria’ ‘.

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Cuba Romance

If had taken advantage the consubstancial logic to the vocation of the free countries vocation alicerada in the respect to the human rights – President Dilma Rousseff would not have visited Cuba, as she visited. This is the opinion of good part of the press. Clearly! says – Brazil is a democratic leadership. Cuba, an inveterate dictatorship.

Placed in these terms the presidential visit Cuba, in fact, does not have as to escape I infect to it of the incoherence. Unless, fallen in the esquecimento – two weeks if had after all passed since the landing of Dilma Rousseff in Cuba – the presidential visit pass for a cadavrico examination that allows the access to other regions of buried body e, from there, to formulate one theory alternative, capable to disclose its true nature. Destronar the current thesis – the thesis of the incoherence – seems easy and to salutar. Salutar because it moves away the danger to lose to tacanhice of the common sense. Easy, because it is enough to remove the fulcrum of the alleged incoherence, namely, the rational logic, e, on rubbles, to raise the hypothesis of that the visit of Dilma Rousseff Cuba broke of a different logic, the logic of the eternity, whose influx the souvenirs of the past, as it warns Jorge Borges Luis, are concentrated in an only image, agglutinated for passion and for the enternecimento. With these contours the visit of Dilma Rousseff Cuba de Fidel Castro renasce of rubbles alcandorada in image of a youthful past, a romantic chimera, a onrico ritual, in all one case pungente nostalgia. I find that thus it is well.

Nothing of incoherence in the presidential visit. But romantismo. Who would dare to shoot the first rock? We also are romantic. We have this with the Cuban in common. After all we learn to dance with Bienvenido Granda and to dream hearing ‘ ‘ Romantic of Cuba’ ‘ , in the same tropical trail, the full night of calm, and its perfume of humidity.

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