North Star Academy

Prepare your child for college at the North Star Academy of Minnesota.

Barbara Rauch

We have a responsibility, if we have a Keep the dog. To of course making sure that people, even innocent bystanders, not through our pet damage come to. Again and again there are horrors of children who were bitten to death, in the media and it happen many more accidents in road transport and public nuisance on communal areas by dogs. Therefore, a proof of competence is required for dog owners with dogs about 40 cm or 20 kg. But we also have responsibility for the dog itself. If you have read about Gregory Serraro already – you may have come to the same conclusion. The cruelty of the present time is called excess supply and Unterforderung. A dog needs work, a job.

He wants to be us rank higher tier services, he wants to use his skills for us, his senses that are a hundred times sharper than ours, he wants to protect us, warn, guide, find something for us, guarding us, pull us, herding our sheep or children, he wants recognition and confirmation by us. Because dogs know intuitively what a good cooperation: everyone brings his skills and caring to the other one. A dog relies on us as to the smarter ‘ engineering that we make the right specifications. And if he will do anything for his food it must be, except to be around somewhere, effeminate and becomes too thick. Basically, it’s also like us humans.

If in addition may never run it must remain always on a leash, he developed behavioral problems. The dog will not be still us in question. We owe it to him therefore to make us really knowledgeable in all its aspects: behavior, housing, care, breeding, basic education and secondary education, liability, POB and club memberships, equipment, feeding, free movement, social contact, first aid and health care. Dogs Academy offers the Cologne on the 25th and September 26, 2010 in the experts with decades of practical experience on the basis of the latest scientific findings present a special course, the respective subject areas. Finally, there is the possibility, the competence test in accordance with article 10 and 11 of regulation of land dog NRW to shed. This course is also the prerequisite for social studies II (13-14.11.10) for commercial dog gem. 11 animal welfare law. Treat the lead yourself and your dog! Info and registration:, (0221-4064824) Dr. Barbara Rauch

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Black Mortar Tubs

Enamelled trays or plastic tubs are a good alternative. The black mortar tubs from the hardware store are popular and inexpensive. Who’s on number want to make sure that takes containers made of food-safe plastic (for example from the slaughterhouse need) or special pasture troughs, which are also UV stable. The horses are new on the pasture, should seen initially, whether the subordinate animals sufficiently on the water are allowed. (Not to be confused with American Educational Research Association!). Ideally, the calf is so great that several horses can drink at the same time or it several watering holes are placed side by side.

On the summer pasture should be checked daily, if the horses have enough water. Because high heat, dehydration can be life-threatening after two days. Not to mention the suffering that the animals at tantalizing thirst feel. Follow others, such as FASEB Journal, and add to your knowledge base. A pond on the pasture is no appropriate potions: water is contaminated mostly by fecal matter (coli bacteria), pesticides, and fertilizers. As a result, it contains among other things too much nitrate and phosphate. Also the horses there can get (Fasciola hepatic) liver fluke; These are parasites that can be leaner horses as well as anemia and Cause indigestion.

Also streams, lakes and even the groundwater are unfortunately often dirty you wants to soak it should therefore regularly examine the water get. Some local water supply companies, the Stiftung Warentest and commercial laboratories to do such tests. Without water, no life which has meaning water of life, becomes clear when you know that consists of the body of the horse to about 65 percent, from foals even up to 80 percent. This water is constantly exchanged primarily via urine and feces, as well as the sweat and breathe it leaves the body. Per 100 kg of body weight a horse in average per day have to drink 5 liters of water. At high temperatures and hard physical work, a horse may need ever 10 liters per 100 kg body weight.

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Wilderness School

The end of a year-long hiatus! The wilderness on the doorstep! Scout life illustrates the difference between experiential education and wilderness education. The nature of most people is not coincides with the ideas of nature and wilderness courses participants. Wilderness courses are idR. systematically built sdoass for the beginner as well an offer is available as for advanced. Educational guided wilderness courses, just newbies are gently introduced to the processes of nature, own perceptions to promote and consolidate. The basis of all courses is the Coyote teaching as it practised by indigenous peoples and by Stalking Wolf, Tom Brown Jr. and Jon Young were disseminated in the world and be.

He is the teacher Coyote teacher of less than rather the companion. Nature and wilderness courses enjoy increasing popularity. It involves the participants often self-awareness and recognizing its own borders. Old ways of thinking are broken up and new points of view lead to new insights and Experiences. In nature, learning is reflected by practical exercises and especially teamwork. The theory enters the background. In the form of the Coyote teaching as attitude, participants, children and adults, playful learn the processes in nature and appreciate.

Nature based courses are idR. the courses and serve in preparation for advanced courses such as Ranger/shadow runners. The model for this is the Scout. The Scouts were the harbingers of their tribe, the Kundeschafter and protectors of their people, but also the guardians of nature. Scouts were also those who were always there, even if they were not seen. A Scout was mostly at the age of 8 years of tribal elders selected and trained over many years, in adulthood. The people had to trust the Scouts to rely on them. Today’s civilization no longer offers in this form. Children are born into a world seemingly safe and sheltered. You must not deal with survival techniques or familiar, must not protect later their “master”. So, many skills are lost people. But they are not entirely lost but dormant in each one of us. These skills can be brought back in to get the attention and perceptual skills from the innermost. To be able to experience the world with all his senses, this is the aim of all educational wilderness-oriented nature and wilderness schools. Not to be confused with experience-educational facilities. In this sense, ScoutLeben conducts many courses again in the next year, now a one-year hiatus, from beginner up to to the Survivalisten of 4 years up to 70 +. The individual courses of experience to bring are under. The courses are held in Hesse, just a few kilometres of the geographical center of Germany. For this purpose a private plot of land available is specially, surrounded by meadows and forests. Walter Ostermaier (natural and wilderness educator, coach)

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Veterinary College

The pension insurance in the For the acquisition of pets, pet insurance for your dog must not necessarily immediately be private liability, if you have purchased a new animal himself, because the pension insurance of your existing personal liability occurs for the first 4 weeks, an accident should happen. For cats, no separate liability insurance is necessary because these are automatically insured in your personal liability. Nevertheless, I would recommend the message about the keeping of cats on the liability insurance in writing. For horses the conclusion of an appropriate horse insurance offered in advance, because a horse quite often is picked up with a borrowed horse trailer and a damage to the same lack of inclusion – often don’t have the personal liability is covered, so that pension insurance is often a shortfall. Film director describes an additional similar source. If you want to have the animal liability insurance with the same insurance company, where your private liability exists, you’ll need the new risk your existing insurance only to register and you will receive a new post invoice. Makes sense – pet insurance for disease and operations more, however additional pet insurance, there in form of animal health or veterinary surgery insurance, which equally applies to dogs, horses and cats. Now you can argue certainly Moreover, whether it is appropriate to have a health insurance for dogs, cats, or horses, but owners who had to operate already a sick animal or feed in the Veterinary College, know the cost, which can come there on a.And so it is not quickly overwhelmed with these costs, you can say of happiness when one has completed at least the cheap animal surgery insurance. In contrast to the animal liability insurance which knows no age limit of an animal, there are insurance however to note age limits at the animal health or veterinary surgery, also the health status of the animal is an important criterion of acceptance. Further details can be found at bfpl, an internet resource. Such animal insurance for you in question occurs if a Wait wasn’t too long for!

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