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Biological Sciences

This proposal is affirmed in Minayo (2007, P. 52) that, ' ' … the questioning is that it allows in them to exceed the simple discovery for, through the creativity, to produce conhecimento' '. Such thought is corroborated through the author above cited, with Trivios (1987, p.146), when it speaks that, the half-structuralized interview ' ' … at the same time where it values the presence of the investigator, offers the possible perspectives so that the informing reach the necessary freedom and the espontaneidade enriching investigao' ' ; e, also, with the intention to get resulted more complete of the vision of the interviewed one was used of writing you say of them at the moment of interview, enclosing 70% of the interviewed ones, what it prevented to run risks of alterations of the information. How much to the criterion of election of the interviewed ones, we opt to the academics of greater and of lesser age; independent to be of the masculine or feminine sex; which they had totalized in (seven); – (abstaining one of the Course of Biological Sciences, reason ahead explained) – of the last year of each Course of Licenciatura and Pedagogia, and the universe of this research overwhelmd it the Guairac College, in reason of being only ' ' Particular&#039 institution; ' that it offers such Graduation, that is, in Courses of Licenciatura, the city of Guarapuava, Paran. In relation to the analysis of the collected data that had subsidized in them in the elaboration of this Work of Conclusion of Course, we use the proposal of Minayo author (2007, p.77) called of ' ' method dialtico' '. Such proposal in provides a globalizante vision to them, searching to consider and to detach some aspects that involve the study object, therefore in say respect to them the two levels of interpretation: one to ' ' partner-economic conjuncture and politics of which it is part the social group to be studied; history and the politics that if grupo&#039 relates to this; '.

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