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National Politics

The new politics if referenciou in the Pact for life where if it defined an important axle to the Health of the Man. In articulated way one still developed pautado in the National lines of direction of Politics of Health of the adolescent and young and still of the Aged one, formulating – a new focus programmarian, that is, to combine the execution of the National Politics of Integral Attention to the Health of the Man to excessively the politics, programs, strategies and action of the Health department. Of this form one searchs to unmask the knowledge of the professional nurse front to the new politics of attention, leaving of the estimated one that the men for cultural and social questions do not search attendance of promotion and prevention in the units of ESF. Specific actions in the program of health of the family directed to the man are still observed, however this attendance is observed and what it seems is not implanted according to program specified for the Health department, it is understood despite can have insufficient information of the nurse on the Program of health of the Man, formation lack/qualification of the nurses of the E.S.F to act in the Program of Health of the Man and the lack of active search to the masculine population, carried through for the nurse of the E.S.F. Brazil (2009 P. 5) emphasizes that ' ' the masculine resistance the primary attention not only increases the financial overload of the society, but, over all, the physical and emotional suffering of the patient and its famlia' ' , much of the agravos to the man could be prevented if it occurred with regularity to the search for the products of the basic attention on the part of the men. The quarrel on the subject if becomes pertinent since that the relevance of studies concerning the health of the woman, the child and aged in relation to the promotion and the prevention in the basic attention was observed during the academic formation, and of lives deeply in the curricular periods of training in the basic unit that had accused to little frequency of the man in the same ones. . To read more click here: ????.

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