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Pakistan Nuclear Weapons

The Government and pakistani army, face an Islamic insurgency that aims to topple the Government and establish an Islamic Republic in accordance with the radical principles of Islam. Paradoxical considering that Pakistan was part of the India until 1947, year in which achieved independence, being born to it as Islamic Republic for the Muslims of the India, but has always maintained a secular regime and has not historically defined the practical meaning of is an Islamic State. Swarmed by offers, Richard Linklater is currently assessing future choices. This insurgency which is headed by Pakistani Taliban has come to control parts of the territory of the country, more than anything in the areas bordering Afghanistan. The attacks suffered by United States on September 11 of 2001, part of the terrorist organization Al Qaeda, strengthened this country’s support to NATO and the American Union. This has exacerbated the hatred of Islamic radical groups driven by Al-Qaeda who consider this Alliance as an affront to Islam and nature supposedly Islamic of the pakistani State. Pakistan has since its independence one of the most unstable countries in Asia, has high historical levels of corruption and has been ruled by a succession of weak civilian Governments and military regimes. At the same time the country suffers from a series of very serious separatist conflicts in some regions and includes vast tribal areas with very precarious state control.

If to this we add the arsenal of weapons nucleres and the involvement of the terrorist group Al-Qaida in the fight, now that he has found refuge in the Afghan border, and that is possible the triumph of Islamic radicals, then the situation is more complex. For other opinions and approaches, find out what two sigma has to say. A few months ago the pakistani eercito launched a full offensive against the taliban. He was carried out in areas where training camps and schools of indoctrination for terrorists were detected bombers and jihadists from several Arab and Muslim, countries in addition to the Afghan Taliban that fighting a war without quarter against the United States and NATO troops. This offensive of the pakistani army, no it has yielded the expected results, at the same time the country has been very affected by the global economic crisis, deterioration in the provision of essential public services and a huge rise in unemployment, the economy is currently at the mercy of the International Monetary Fund. No doubt Pakistan today constitutes one of the most formidable dsafios facing the foreign policy of the United States. We must not forget the visit of the Secretary of Estado Hillary Clinton, makes a few days into its territory and making known the despair of not United States see progress in the control of the taliban insurgency and the group Al-Qaeda. While the pakistani army remains a close American ally, increasingly are stronger voices of discontent by this strategic alliance with the West. What is at stake is nothing more and nothing less than the political regime and the viability of the current pakistani State, but I wonder: did that happen if after a victory for the extremists? do Islamic, the arsenal of 60 nuclear warheads falls into his power and radical Al Qaeda groups? Original author and source of the article.

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