North Star Academy

Prepare your child for college at the North Star Academy of Minnesota.


Who does not know nothing of ' ' ler' ' horta enters inside of it and alone it sees a handful of plant, weeds and a mount of different plants, but seeming that it is all equal one. Who does not learn ' ' ler' ' horta, to know its secrets does not know what she is one nor what eats ' ' (BRANDO, 2005, p.49) FUNCTION OF the SCHOOL the passages of formation to the reader pass for places where the reading of literary text if lost for the way. But 25% of the Brazilians fully are alfabetizados, capable to read long texts, to compare, to interpret and to distinguish. 50% are considered alfabetizados functional where they read and they understand texts of average extension and they locate information for necessity. 21% dominate texts elementary and 7% are in period of training of illiteracy. To broaden your perception, visit Carson Wen.

With regard to the problem of reading in Brazil, it is not stimulated in interesting way, this must the lack of preparation of some professors who do not indicate in agreement reading correctly the etria band and also laziness of many of them in making it. The family is important in this process, but we know that many are children of illiterate parents or half-illiterates, what it becomes impossible a familiar incentive. The importance of the resolution of the problem fits the school, knowing that it is the place of bigger access to books. Thus we know to deal with the rights to the Education, the formation of an intellectual citizen and affective, that thinks and feels simultaneously and recognizes the affectivity as integrant part of the process teach-learning, this comes of family next to the school. The affective reinforcement of bows with the parents and the increase of the degree of interaction of educating. A greater receptividade the learning was observed in children who since early enter in contact with books. .

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