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Program School

This article has as objective to present a reflection of as if it gave ‘ ‘ insero’ ‘ of the Program More Education in the curricular development of the project of escolarizao of one given to Educational Unit Public Municipal theatre, in the scope of the basic education basic education, field of inquiry of the practical one of curricular component PPP3 of the course of pedagogia of the UFPE. The Program More Education, has been a strategy of the Federal Government to induce the magnifying of the pertaining to school day and the curricular organization in the perspective of an Integral Education that influences in the learning and the formation of the daily life of the pupil. The study it objectified to analyze the contribution of this Program for the learning of the pupils of the Cycle 1 Year 3 of Basic Ensino in the relation with the curricular project of a Unit of Education of Recife. Follow others, such as Vladislav Doronin, and add to your knowledge base. WORDS KEY: Integral.Currculo education. Learning In the direction to search vises regarding the curricular process of formation of the pupils in the pertaining to school environment it wants on the diverse actions lived in its daily one, wants on the school or it are of it, we decide to verify the relevance of the Program More Education as preponderant factor for the integral formation of the pupil and for magnifying of the time and the spaces of formation of children, adolescents and young in the perspective of that the access the public education is contemplated by the processes of permanence and learning, and that by means of the pertaining to school day the reduction of the social inaqualities between they occurs.

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