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Public Health In The Work Place

It is very rarely involved in CSR. Perhaps because of the large number of workers usually employed and poor motivation to get in many cases. or Both at public and private, devoted to health care and education. or those with high rate of claims. Recognition of partial aspects. There is general agreement in recognizing socially responsible companies that meet any of the parameters: social action, environmental management, fiscal transparency, use of a high rate of immigrant labor and reconciling family life.

Although it has a high value such shares, further details of the cases in which compliance with various parameters. CSR: Proposal From all the above, it is clear that they could submit various proposals, but the availability of space only allows me to highlight the following: Integrating Health Management as an important parameter of CSR: In terms of the so-called Internal Dimension Social Responsibility, there are two concepts that directly affect the health of workers. – Quality of Employment. Although it is one aspect that is particularly affected by social agents, the temporal discrimination and lack of reconciliation among others, have their impact on health. – Working Conditions. Here it that the impact on health is evident. The derivatives of the organization and monotony of work, rhythm, intensity, timing, poor motivation, as well as the existence of non-ergonomic conditions, ie, an environment not suitable for the person to not harm their health (light, sound, tools furniture) are called Emerging Risks: Ergonomic musculoskeletal (back pain and arms), Psychosocial and lately has added another threat: obesity. The proposed actions to avoid these risks are: Risk and Prevention: although since 1995 there is a law for the prevention, it is still more devoted to security, given the high rate of fatalities suffered by the country.

or Health Promotion: is of vital importance in the adoption of healthy habits not only at work but in any condition. In both cases, a special requirement that the company be considered socially responsible is that the prevention goes beyond the law. Final Review For the success of the adoption of health parameters is necessary for the company to talk about comprehensive health management. That is, must exist between the Occupational Health and Public Health, not to mention the School Health. An example is the postural problems that have children /-as primarily by poor ergonomics (backpacks, furniture). How can we prevent in adults Back Pain (the most frequent abnormality in the world after the flu) if not prevented at school

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