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Qi Gong

Therefore it is evident that acts very effectively on any derived stress pathology, as well as in different chronic diseases, auto immune or degenerative, such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, arthrosis, among others. It is energy gym for health and longevity. Within its preventive value, some teachers include: relaxation and stress control. Feeling of well-being elasticity. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out American Dental Association. Psychosomatic balance improve vitality.

Improvement in the cardiovascular system. Prevention of degenerative diseases and auto immune. Reduce convalescence time. Stops and prevents premature old age there are degenerative diseases, according to which, these have a high emotional component lived, not resolved as origin and which goes beyond the Somatization and the resolution of that conflict gives to through the physical illness, cases in which it is very important to reach to overcome it and to resolve their emotional conflict. It is in those cases where the work of the monitor or master of Qi Gong teaches to meditate to resolve the psychic States, working on exercises for channeling energies, eliminating blockages and strengthening the immune system, even if it is a naturopathic doctor, know guidance on appropriate herbal medicine that helps in the process. Does can the body heal itself itself, without intervention of chemistry? All the living body, including ours, has the ability to heal the body, is part of the auto power regeneration that has.

That ability that has the body’s self-healing and self regeneration is a part of the potential that gives us nature since we are born and we are able to understand it, we can make use of this for our benefit. Our body is capable of generating a large amount of autocurativas substances, directors, regulatory, remedial, etc. An example would be clear hormones, they are a few substances responsible for regulating the functioning of the organs of the human body, and therefore of achieving the perfect balance in our body; endorphins, substances produced by the human body to relieve pain, and the levels of serotonin, whose decline is related to emotional disorders such as depression; you could say that serotonin is the humor or the pleasure hormone because it exerts a great influence on the system psiconervioso, etc.

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