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Agricultural Accumulation

(IBGE, 2007). The Manual of 2005, that it took care of to the Counting of 2006, established despite a set of houses alone was considered Agricultural Accumulation if it possessed the least 51 domiciles with minimum distance of 50 meters between the constructions. The Aurlio dictionary of the Portuguese language defines agricultural as referring to the field, that are proper of the field, agriculturist, campestre and defines ruralidade as quality of what he is agricultural, campestre, agricultural or joint of characteristics and values of the agricultural world. For Fernandes (1978) apud Ribeiro and Cleps Jnior; The term ‘ ‘ bairro’ ‘ wide it is spread out enters the population of the So Paulo agricultural world, being used to indicate definitive portion of territory, of always very necessary limits nor, generally defined in function of a locality feeling, not rare strengthened for the presence of some social element of cohesion as school, church and sales. The author still affirms, that the agricultural quarters would have appeared in the areas of older povoamento, to the measure that if went establishing a fixed and enough dense habitat so that if they could establish contacts between the neighbors. At the time of formation of the first quarters, the neighborhood relations played important role in the life of the agricultural inhabitant, and these if they revealed in such a way in the economic plan, as in social and the spiritual. According to Izaura Maria Pear tree of Queiroz, responsible sociologist for some referring research the So Paulo agricultural quarters, the agricultural quarters; (…

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