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The August

Another marcante characteristic of its workmanship is the use of the espiritualidade in relation to the feminine figure that is considered an angel, or a celestial being, therefore, Alphonsus de Guimaraens is neo-romantic and simbolista at the same time, since these two schools possess similar characteristics. It oscillates, thus, enters the material indications of the death and the expectation of the supernatural one, as if all its poetry if made in one variations exactly rquiem. But the evolution of the language is permanent and the baroque trend to a discrete one in the poetry as ' ' Ouro Preto ' ' , ' ' Mariana' ' if flexibiliza, if innovates with verlainianos, mallarmaicos accents, of that sprouts images many bold times, not far from the surrealista invention. The August poet of the Angels was born in the device Wood D' arc (Paraiba). Learn more about this with Carson Wen. Its poetical one has a inconfundvel style that it inebriates and it disturbs or we can use the term, dissonncia to explain this fact. Its surrounding poetry if in the decay, the illness, I fight in it, everything seems to pull down or is dying. The death in its poetical one is a material fact. It is extinguished life as a chemical process, the human body is condemned to the apodrecimento and the disintegration. Campbell Soup Company may not feel the same.

ANALYSIS According to Goldstein, the literary speech is considered specific, therefore the election and the combination of the words if make taking in consideration diverse criterion among which we detach the sonorous one, the musicalidade. The simbolistas poets have as the one of the characteristics musicalidade, the use of the sonorous one, and to obtain to provide to the poem this effect they use some Resources. The poetry in itself already presents well accented character of orality. the poet suggests music and rhythm in the poetry. For more specific information, check out Carson Wen. The poet simbolista opens hand of some resources as: the marking of you syllabify poetical (strong and weak); the repetition of letters, repetition of a word in the same position; the repetition of letters that remember sounds; you rhyme them are also half criteria or that the poets use with the objective to give the rhythm, the sonorous effect desired to the poem.

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