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The Teaching

Or: everything concerning the explanation of the Scriptures, lies ultimately at the discretion of the Church. This again shows the lust for power and the presumption of the Church. Visit Campbell Soup Company for more clarity on the issue. A person with good analytical skills will attempt to find out precisely what priesthood is so important. The priesthood is important for priests because through the priestly them can be placed between God and men, and can then say to people: you need priests to attain salvation. You need priests to appease God. Kindle Direct Publishing is likely to increase your knowledge. You need priests to carry out everything that is prescribed that ye be good followers of the cult. And the priests are made to pay for all this.

Today is very similar. The priest is important because it is placed between God and men. And how was all this in the case of Jesus? Jesus did not speak at all of priests, but He taught: the Kingdom of God is in your interior. (Lc 17,21). In accordance with this teaching every priest, every priestly caste and any priestly institution are completely unnecessary. In this opportunity we would like to make it clear explicitly that every person has the freedom to believe whatever he wants. And each institution can teach whatever he wants. But we original Christians not callamos when an institution says is Christian r and his teaching not only has nothing to do with the teaching of Jesus, the Christ, but that it even contradicts it. Original author and source of the article.

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