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Basic Ensino Education

The treatment of the learning difficulties must be made clinically and with accompaniment of a team to interdisciplinar. 3.1. Update of the proposal pedagogical? losses and profits new the proposal of the National Advice of Education (Resolution n 3, of 03 of August of 2005) to implement a new nomenclature to be adopted in the Infantile Education and Basic Ensino, stipulating that the duration of the studied years is of agreement with the etria band of the child, will be able to promote incompreenso and doubts between the professionals in the education area. What it reflects directly in the pertaining to school exploitation and the number of children with learning difficulties. The professionals of the education area must be prepared a intent look, in what she says respect to the maturity and the cognitivo development of the individual in the pertaining to school phase where it adjusts itself. With this, bigger damages how much to the learning difficulties are prevented. Table 1 detaches the updates of new the proposal pedagogical, that a conflituoso look determines categorically.

Since, instead of distinguishing the pupil how much its cognitiva ability, ' ' distribui' ' chronological and indistinctly. That is, it does not consider the inherent difficulties to each one. Table 1? Date of ingression of the children in basic education 8 years of durao9 years of corresponding duraoIdade at the beginning of the school year (without distortion age/year) 1 ano6 years 1 srie2 ano7 years 2 srie3 ano8 years 3 srie4 ano9 years 4 srie5 ano10 years 5 srie6 ano11 years 6 srie7 ano12 years 7 srie8 ano13 years 8 srie9 ano14 years Source: CNE/CEB n 6/2005. On the other hand, inside of the update of the proposal pedagogical, the system of education and the schools, in the limits of its autonomy, have the possibility to proceed to the adequacies that better take care of to the definitive ends and objectives of the educational process, such as: Promotion of auto-esteem of the pupils in the initial period of its escolarizao; The respect to the differences and the diversities gifts in a so complex country as Brazil, in the context of the national system of education; Not the application of any measure that can be interpreted as retrocession, what it could contribute for undesirable the failure pertaining to school; The managers must have in mind razoabilidade and good-sense rules, as well as treatment always differentiated whenever the learning of pupil to demand (To seem CNE/CEB n 7/2007).

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