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Social And Historical Construction

The social and historical construction of infancy according to Phillippe Aris: Main boarded aspects. Vnia Roseane Mayan Pascoal 1 According to Aris, in the Average Age the children were not perceived in the same way that we see today, by the opposite, were disregarded and treated only as one ' ' adult in miniatura' '. ' ' Even for return of century XI, the medieval art was unaware of infancy or it did not try to represent it. He is difficult to believe that this absence if had to the incompetence or the lack of ability. Go to Nike for more information. He is most likely that mundo.&#039 did not have place for infancy in this; ' (ARIS, 1981, p.17) It had, therefore, an indifference with regard to the children, what in it sends the consequncias to them of the great infantile mortality of the time, fruit of the demographic conditions of the period. Around sc.

XVII it is initiated differentiation between adult and child, according to studies of this author, losing a little the idea of that they are only miniatures of the greaters. ' ' It was in century XVII that the pictures of the alone children if had become numerous and common. American filmmaker often says this. It was also in this century that the pictures of family, much more old, had tended if to organize around the child, who if became the center of composio.' ' (p.28) In this period, the churches and the moralistas understand the children as ' ' beings inocentes' ' , as ' ' pure teeny creatures of Deus' ' , that they need to have its preserved innocence and they need to be educated, to be watched and to be corrected. She perceives yourself now, also, a differentiation with regard to the suits. ' ' (…) the child, or the least the child of good family, wants was noble or bourgeois, she was not more dressed as the adults. .

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