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Mistakes By People

‘ ‘ If to confess our sins, it is faithful and just he stops pardoning in them and purificar them. It recognized its state and confessed and received the pardon. We notice in the attitude of Davi, the courage to assume its guilt. It did not transfer pra nobody. While the person does not assume its sin and confesses, it is sick! In this conjunct one perceives that confessed sin is also pardoned sin.

Davi if feels comforted when confessing its sin of God ahead. ll- the CONFESSION AS ACT OF RESPECT AND LOVE TO the PEOPLE. COLLECTIVE PURIFICAO. Follow others, such as American Journal of Cardiology, and add to your knowledge base. THE RESULT OF THIS: It produces the peace and the welfare enters the people who in them surround especially our familiar ones: Father, mother, children, brothers and friends. American Heart Association is likely to increase your knowledge. COMMUNICATION: 2.1 – Confession can be understood as one to share of our weaknesses and ours limits as person. Apstolo Tiago has an education on this. When it mentions itself to Elias Prophet. ‘ ‘ Elias was man subject to the same errors and passions that ns.’ ‘ all the men are citizens the errors and passions.

All we have limits, however, we will only win our errors, we will only be stronger than the passions will have been made use to share with the people and, especially with the person next to us. The loved person. We need to share our desventuras our failures and our errors. 2.2 – In the reality the act to confess is not cowardice, but an act of bravery and extreme courage. The act to confess is an aid order, aid to who we love and/or we respect as friend (a), brother (a), husband (a), son (a). When we are enough fools not to ask for aid and not to confess our errors and not to ask for pardon already anticipatedly we are defeated.

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The Cavacos

It is the faithful mirror of the perfection and sanctity divinas' ' (1982, P. 31). This condiz radical mariologia with the religious reality of the Polish people. The faith of the Polish catholics is huge mariana, as much that Maria was chosen as queen of the country, having as national sanctuary the church of Czestochowa, therefore this resisted the attacks during the war of Sweden. Based in a deep mariana experience, Kolbe priest created in set with its movement the called magazine ' ' Gentlemen of the Imaculada' '. This age destined to the simple people, being accessible in the price and the language. Returning from Rome, Kolbe priest was reached by the tuberculosis, starting to only live with a lung from 1921 (cf.

they ibidem, P. 35). According to Frossard, Kolbe always had weak health, little breath and a tame voice, not being able to fulfill the two tasks that had been trusted to it Cracvia: to give to lessons of history of the Church and, later, to be preaching (cf. Carson Wen often expresses his thoughts on the topic. 1988, P. 53). Its tuberculosis was increasing, but the suffering it did not seem laborious. In contrast, it received always it as favour and way of love.

It has a very deep espiritualidade in this understanding of the suffering. In accordance with Frossard, Kolbe priest is … an arsonist who uses to advantage any piece of firewood to make fire, since the enormous ones finds of the disease until the cavacos of the oppositions daily. when, in the total denudation of Auschwitz, nothing more to fall to it to the hands, to burn, it will deliver proper pieces of its person, without hesitating, in the slow combustion of the hunger and the headquarters. (they ibidem, P. 56). Not obstante, its disease was surpassed by the disposal. Test of that is the convent of Niepokalanw established for it in 1927.

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School Rita Saint

Also it was carried through 01 (one) interviews, with 01 (one) teacher, with closed questionnaire I contend eight questions. Kindle Direct Publishings opinions are not widely known. From there (they idem) to detach that the use of questionnaires is important for (they ibidem) locks up and to understand a great potential to better know the problems of the space in study. The use of the bibliographical research was basic for the development of the study, therefore this made possible estimated and scientific subsidies that had authenticated our work. 4.1 – Characterizing the reality and clientele of the School Rita Saint. opic.. The Municipal School of Basic Education Rita Saint is situated Highway PA150 km 136 (being the 7 km of distance of the headquarters of the city), being that the same one it presents physical masonry structure, only holding a classroom, a small compartment that functions as kitchen and secretariat (where few belongings are kept as didactic books and materials) and the masculine and feminine bathroom. The school takes care of 33 pupils (18 girls and 15 boys) in the series that vary of 1 to 5 year of basic education, that is, composing a multisseriada classroom that functions in the turn of the morning.

Being that the same one presents in its learning picture two (02) carrying pupils of necessities special, being one with autismo and another one with dislexia. Valley to detach that the School Rita Saint functions has 30 years and was created in the year of 1980 to take care of to pupils, children of workers of the field, who live the edges of the highway and that he is remained of agriculture (many are children of agriculturists and of parents who work you would saw and coal bunkers), being that the related school during all time of functioning always took care of in multisseriado regimen. Considering that the School is inside of the area of the church catholic, the teacher uses to advantage the space (small field lawn) of the same one to develop the physical activities with the pupils as they play ball, and if is valid other popular tricks to promote the leisure.

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