North Star Academy

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Teaching Academic Production

1) clarify that the results waited and reached for the pupil will be registered, and will be a certification of the presence, participation and learning of the related pupil inside of the related school. The registers are not the quality of the learning, but a way to so only keep the memory regarding the quality of the learning. The school will attribute concepts, in accordance with the pertaining to school Regiment, registering the results in proper documents adequately. Go to Kindle Direct Publishing for more information. The results of the evaluations will be express in concepts registered in mentions, that is, ‘ ‘ O’ ‘ of excellent, ‘ ‘ B’ ‘ of good, ‘ ‘ S’ ‘ of sufficient, and ‘ ‘ I of insuficiente’ ‘. It will be considered approved in each module that one that to get Excellent, Good or Enough concept and will have, at least, frequency of 75% of the total of hours of lessons and considered activities these as of effective pertaining to school work.

The school will provide to the pupils of insufficient exploitation, the possibility to participate of the recovery process. 3 CONCLUSION Inside of a proposal to get an evaluation that is pedagogical, or educational, we need to come back our look toward the questions intentional interaction between educator and educating, that through a formative evaluation, it will mold this practical. Therefore, the question of the personal planning of education of each professor, is considerable, this must have conscience of that the program exists to improve the quality of education learning of the pupil. Using always the dialticos pairs as organization of the process of pedagogical work, privileging the valorativa apprehension of practical the educative ones of evaluation in education. We consider of great relevance the act to inside evaluate of the education process learning, as something dependent them others two steps: the act to plan and to execute.

That is, the evaluation crosses to the act to plan and the act to evaluate, has the professor as mediating between the practical ones known and reflected – through the formative evaluation – and educating, in the search of the knowledge. We still can, to characterize the somativa evaluation in formative, when we give return to educating of the inserted note in its evaluation. Thus this note only leaves of being a measurement of the knowledge. The verification during the passage, that is, the formative evaluation is essential, because it defines the necessity or not to intervine. The proposal avaliativa contemplates the creation of criteria, instruments of collections of data, procedures and finally the registers of the reached results.

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