North Star Academy

Prepare your child for college at the North Star Academy of Minnesota.

The Management

For us, the interpersonal relations, for example, are co-promoters in a way of being in society, since all relation is educative when the humanity of the other degrades or promotes. In the institutions it is that, par excellence, the education gains life. In this manner, they characterize themselves as the place of the care, reason that she justifies to think them about the scope of a management where the relations if pautam for the ethical-aesthetic-afectiva disposal. (SOUSA; MIGUEL; RASP, 2010, P. 14. grifo of the author) The Management of the Care suggests a Biocntrica Education as form of valuation of the life human being, focando in an education that moves whose methodology would be the proper experience. A Biocntrica Education comes to stimulate the actions potencializando them. It weaves other differentiated conceptions and learnings.

The Biocntrica Education can provide to the institutions collective learnings of changes of its destinations, developing in the groups the practical direction and the meaning educative of the care. To learn together to take care of of the life can transform the conventional relations into moved meeting, and these do not excuse the ethics, articulated to the aesthetic field of a suggestive one that goes to guide the people so that they can abandon the tirnica sphere of decrees, making an existential choice for the trams of an education of the taste and sensitivity (RESTREPO, 1998, apud SOUSA; MIGUEL; RASP, 2010, P. 83) The environment of classroom, this physical space where they coexist human beings playing the roles of professor and students, as much can be glad, pleasant, ccomplishing and rewarding, how much it can be generating of anxiety, it estresse, unreliability or aversion. We can also consider that this set of good or bad factors, to a large extent, is decurrent of the personal relations that if establish between the proper students, or these and its professors.

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