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Project Preservation

The order of aid of the nature goes much more beyond what measured of deriving preservation of projects of social politics. This order must be taken care of by the responsible attitude of all we. For more specific information, check out Amen Clinics. The union around the preservation must be faced as an inherent attitude all the human being, as the necessity that we have in eating. If we eat to preserve our health and we do not finish weak, thus must be the treatment with the nature, if to preserve we will have quality of life, this has that to be the universal tonic. Some scholars, and the majority of the scientists, already had spoken concerning the consequncias of the irresponsibility of the human being with the nature. The emission of gauzes in air is harming the life human being and, with this, the life is being complicated. Unhappyly, this is if becoming the chaos of the humanity. She is necessary that let us have attitude! It is very easy to blame the public power for the social problems, however the responsibility, concerning innumerable problems of daily the population one, is of the proper people who, considerably, still is very lay in relation to the ambient preservation.

Many of our compatriots are unaware of the measures to be adopted with regard to the organic garbage, for example. Diverse citizens, in all Brazil, who possess lands without constructions, simply ignore that these lands must be clean. An accumulation of very great garbage in these lands exists and the proliferation of harmful insects and bacteria to the health human being is impressive. It does not have punishment for this type of ambient depredation, because fiscalization does not exist. The correct one is that all we let us demand our rights of citizenship. She is necessary to denounce the indifferences that many have with the proper environment.

She is necessary to make one will mutiro so that the awareness on the problems with the environment is unanimous. It is not enough to complain, must be denounced all the depredation cases that if have knowledge, because thus we will only be contributing, unanimamente, so that the environment is preserved. The people, in all Brazil, must be worried about the causes of the ambient preservation so that many of the tragedies, until anto evidenced, are prevented for the good of the humanity. We cannot be omissive ahead of errifying facts that are happening in our country, as the case of Florianpolis, now of Cove Dos Reis and in other cities of Brazil. The moment is not of search of culprits, but yes of solidarity and understanding to the errors of the past. We need, above all, to have attitude; dignity and to demand with that it has, urgently, politics that take care of the yearnings of the people and that they are created, immediately, forms of ambient education so that the people if acquires knowledge on the problems caused with the ambient ignorance, so that the tragedies are, fully, prevented.

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Brazilian Forest Code

In the sequence and, as soon as the term will be signed by the proprietor, and regitered the legal reserve in the school registration, the Only Ambient License – LAU will be emitted. Currently the LAU is valid per 10 years for the activities of cattle agriculture and. FOREST LEGISLATION AND LEGAL RESERVE the Brazilian forest law was instituted in 1934 and passed for some alterations in its dimension and purpose throughout history, what it culminated in the creation of the instrument of ambient management called Legal Reserve in the end of the decade of 1980. However, according to Joels (2000) apud Padilha Jnior (2004, P. 14), ' ' the concern in preserving part of the bushes of the country properties is well old in our country. Already it was present at the time of Brazil Colony, when the adjusted wooden scarcity, for construction of the boats of the fleet portuguesa' '. The Decree n 23,793 of 23/01/1934, the first Brazilian Forest Code, instituted ' ' the obligatoriness of agricultural proprietor in preserving part of its property for the maintenance of ecosystems naturais' ' (RIGONATTO and WALNUT, 2007, P. 2).

The related Law determined that ' ' no land proprietor covered with original native bushes could abate 75% of the existing vegetation more than, except if they were situated properties next to small forests or urban zone, or if they transformed the heterogeneous forest vegetation into homognea' ' (BACHA, 1993, apud, RIGONATTO and WALNUT, 2007, P. 2). The idea of forest reserve is kept in as the Forest Code, Law n 4,771/65 of 15/09/1965, with mention to the legal reserve, being valid for forests of private domain and with percentages of 20% for properties of the regions Southern, South East and Center-West, and of 50% for properties of the region North and the part north of the region Center-West (BRAZIL, 1965).

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Green Areas Education

It was applied introductory lessons children to say them on its you doubt and we were clarifying the questions. Whenever Nike listens, a sympathetic response will follow. To each meeting they had been being carried through dynamic, paintings, lectures, tricks and the plantation of changes of fruitful trees in a part of the pteo of the school, the used method for the plantation was of changes, that already Jose came being used for the professor Maria who leciona in the proper school, and carries through ambient works with the children. According to Sato, Michele, the diversity of objectives of the ambient education coincides with the principles of the proper education, making it difficult the proposal of methodologies adjusted for its implementation. Then we create forms for the children and the young that had participated of the project, of if feeling insurances in learning and expanding this new form to see the environment. 8? RESULT, ANALYSES AND QUARRELS. It was following the specific norms and legislaes, that we acquire knowledge the involved young in this project. The Ambient Education is foreseen in the Federal Constitution in art. 225 (Of the Environment) 1 interpolated proposition VI.

‘ ‘ to promote the ambient education in all the levels of education and the public awareness for the preservation of the way ambiente’ ‘. All the used resources were of extreme importance for the development of the implementation of the reached objectives. One revealed then for the children and young of the project that replantio of trees is necessary and importantssimo for the quality of life of the people in the urban centers, then all the carried through work, with questionnaires, paintings, dynamic, drawings and the plantation of changes, was truily necessary for the awareness. FINAL CONSIDERAES Concluded with all the carried through studies, that the necessities shown for the children who had participated of the project, its curiosidades, and the coherence in the election of the used didactic materials, to answer its you doubt leaves evident that it is true and necessary the execution of advances in the ambient education, and that its envolvement is not mere economic, giving to spaces the dimensions of the culture and the nature and making possible the process of transformation for the hands of the ambient Education.

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Mire Great

The main problems faced in Buritizeiro relate the ambient question, as land division and in areas of ambient protection and lack of planning of the questions of pluvial waters, with torrents, ravinamento of streets voorocamentos the current problems retrace of the installation besiege of it urban, when it did not have planning for the possible developments future of the urban mesh, the planning lack increased the problems faced with the growth of pluvial waters for the streets and avenues of the city in day of rains. The volume of water is enormous flooding the streets of the part low of the city, and had to the volume of the draining in torrents they had taken the formation of ravinamentos of the streets and formation of soil erosions in the urban perimeter as Garden of the Buritis happens in the quarter, installed in a APP area, with springs, trails and lagoons delinquents of the river San Francisco. Characterization partner? ambient of the city of Buritizeiro Buritizeiro North of Minas Gerais meets, located approximately in 23 coordinates UTM K 504757 and 8080300 it is placed the left edge of the river San Francisco, in an altitude of 502,75 meters, presenting a 7.218 area of km , (IBGE, 2010), with an approach population of 26.921 inhabitants (IBGE-2010) establishing limits with the cities of Pirapora the east, Fertile valley of Palma and Lassance the southwest, Mire Great Are Gonalo of the Abaet to the south, Joo Pine the west, F Saint of Mines and Ibia to the north and Lagoon of the Ducks the northeast. The local economy has as farming base extensive creation of cut bovine, the cultivation of eucaliptos and bolts vegetal production of coal, in current days comes presented one strong trend to the reinforcement deals of it local, who comes extending the areas of deals and fortifying the civil construction.

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Brazilian Symposium

Another point would be the floreiras and gardens, which in determined points could be carried through since that with native plants or that they do not modify the characteristics of the place. model of parking argued in the project can come to cause impacts, mainly its implantation will be necessary the falling of trees of trees or descaracterizao of the area, therefore it is necessary before any intervention a study I specify in I lease. 8 FINAL CONSIDERAES the project of the ambient park of the step developed for the city hall of the city of Mafra are impracticable, as much for the sociocultural characteristics of the city the how much for its high cost and probable damages in its implantation to area to be conserved. All the points of the project of the ambient park of the step had been analyzed and argued, verifying positive and negative points of the same, which had been presented proposals of changes and improvements. It is standed out that with such improvements the park would be inside of the legal parameters and would become viable, providing improvement of the quality of life of the population, as well as knowledge and ambient conscience of all, over all guarantees the sustainable development in urban picture preservation of this significant parcel of the bush with araucria.

To the measure that the country if develops, that the population grows and that the social and economic condition of the people improves, it tends if to become each more operating time. She believes yourself that the hour is opportune for, impulse of this important task. To go immediately of meeting to the problem, exactly that it is foreseen for the future days (RASP, W.P, 1972)..

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