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Archive for August, 2020


What is that of which it is worth more? it does not cost to love my grandsons to me, to my children, wife, to my parents and brothers, my friendly and my disciples. Ay of me if it does not knead. It does not cost to me and it fills to me of satisfaction and it is worth immensely more than all the titles, degrees, honors and distinctions that I have received in my professional and academic life. it enchants to me and I enjoy and I feel like alive when giving class, when directing seminaries, when writing articles and books and giving lectures. Check with Bioscience Journal to learn more. That is not worth because they say that she does not cost to me? It is not certain that he is happier the one than more has but the one that better feels with itself and with its surroundings.

To be, to be, to know themselves, to be wanted, to accept themselves, to assume the failures, to welcome in the others and to let themselves embrace and want by the others. To be able to ***reflx mng themselves of our own limitations, to fall and to know how to rise with a smile, of not taking itself in so serious to these round asses divided by half. Our children and grandsons, from both years, respond when they fall: the ground will help to raise to me me. They do not pronounce Chuang Tz well, author of the aphorism, but to anybody it is happened to say to himbad table, carpets bad, bad toy! Much less, tata bad! is not at the most, better; but how much better, more, I take repeating during decades. The will has its site in the formation of the person, and is certain that those can that think that they can and that an exact person reaches what she yearns for deeply.

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The adaptation to means. When having diverse types of academic and familiar formation the individuals adopt habits, ways and ambitions that have been inherited and transmitted by means of the example, traumas or of the learning. When having contact with diverse people " manipulamos" our self-esteem and that help us to improve the motivation and to try to achieve our objectives satisfactorily. FASEB Journal is open to suggestions. When anybody does not seek clear objectives do not obtain clear results. We will see as the means always affect in ours comportamientos.3. The capacity to run risks. When a situation, lacks risk, hardly leads to accomplishment feelings if the individual reaches success, when obtaining an objective easily the person feels that not him cost, and will lose the value of the effort, would think " That fcil" and that would wake up a desire to him of dissatisfaction by the imposed difficulty. Generally to the true people it is necessary to put to them challenge who demonstrate the capacity to be able to achieve their objectives under unpredictable risks.

3. Classification of the theories We require a base theoretical-practices that it defines the Needs to us Of the Human being. Starting off of the thesis that the needs of the human beings are heterogenous and to a certain extent they vary according to the culture and learning, one becomes necessary to classify them, 1. J.A. divides Holy them in 4 great Basic, Social, Psychological and Existential groups.

Basic: related to the preservation of the life, like: social foods, water, protection, health, etc.: related to the interaction with other human beings, like: acceptance, friendship, to form Psychological groups, etc.: associated with the development of our individuality like: prestige, respect, to stand out, profit, competition, etc. Existential: related to the search of supreme values like: the excellence, happiness, autorrealizacin. Each of these groups of needs constitutes motivations, that is they lead to look for means by which to satisfy them.

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La Guajira

Estercilia, who has been the companion of Jose Maria and mother of their three small children for years, has already lit the stove where a steaming coffee boils. The family gathers around the flame and begin to savor the drink in their wells of pewter. Coffee, grown hundreds of miles, tastes to firewood, to people, to Rancheria. And he tells them that the new day has started. As if there were doubts the goats return to alert waiting anxiously to traverse immense places by those who will walk in search of food, shade and water. Catherine Davis may not feel the same. By the way already transiting some donkeys in the direction towards the mill where will fill the mucuras which are now empty, but soon rebosaran water, taken from the bowels of the Earth by the force of the wind that is capable of moving blades of the mills with whom La Guajira and the guajiro calm down thirst and feed their desire to live as they have done for centuries in this untamed land that has belonged to them since the times of their elders.

Jose Maria opens the door of the poultry and goats come out happy, run, picking and flocked towards Savannah. A few minutes later they have been interned in the forest of trupillos where will be until well into the afternoon when they will return home. If you have read about ???? already – you may have come to the same conclusion. At that time the afternoon will reign in for a few hours and at the end will be ready for one of the most impressive works of art of the creator of the universe: guajiro dusk, when the Sun descends to the West and the waters of the sea tinturen of blood while dazzling sun will paint every corner of heaven with their splashes of blue full of life; radiant yellow boom and orange tones where hosts hope of an infinite succession of days. But while the evening arrives, Jose Maria leaves its traces in the sand and poses his gaze in a millennial cardon and a trupillo which has witnessed times. In its upper part the guajiro Cardinal is expressed with authority in a song that will be played in Macuira, Jepirra and all the immensity of the guajira peninsula. Alejandro Rutto Martinez is a Colombian academic presitigioso, author of several books and guest frequently at seminars and conferences on human development, leadership and motivation. Get in contact with him via email or visit their website at this address: by: Alejandro Rutto Martinez original Autor and source of the Article

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Scott Armstrong

It is important to note that the above applies if inside the process is a structured process of forecast. Sales and Marketing Predemanda many processes for demand planning meetings follow the following process: generate statistical forecasts. Adjust the forecasts based on the knowledge of the market. Reaching consensus and publish the results. A better strategy would be to bring the knowledge as an input in the development of statistical forecasts. This strategy has had a great success among many academics forecast. J. Scott Armstrong (2001, p.

736), in his book Principies of Forecasting, mentions the importance of using knowledge of marketing and sales as inputs in the development of a functional planning. Principle 11.2: Use of forms structured knowledge as inputs to quantitative models. 11.3 Principle: Use the knowledge to select, assess, and modify quantitative methods. The investment of time and energy in models that incorporate knowledge properly will help analysts to create more accurate statistical forecasts, It will reduce the number of manual modifications, and improves the accuracy of forecast. At the J.R.

Simplot company, sales and Marketing staff participating in meetings of predemanda. At these meetings, they organize, evaluate, and formula the last commercial information. It documents the process fully and shared the results with analysts before the construction of statistical models. Let’s see some resulting conclusions in this process of incorporating knowledge of sales and Marketing who helped improve the statistical prognosis results: to the forecasting statistically level SKU and then distribute the results in descending achieved better results than pronosticando of form desagragada. Carry out a classification of pareto on references allows to concentrate our efforts in the references A type (those critical business) and schedule revisions with frequencies lower than in the type B and C. Go to The Journal of Educational Research for more information. Articles whose behavior is too variable for forecasting through a model statistical, are removed gradually as the months pass since usually these articles present special features such as contracts, amounts and fixed dates, new items which do not have history, which makes the performance of a statistical model very poor.

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National Politics

The new politics if referenciou in the Pact for life where if it defined an important axle to the Health of the Man. In articulated way one still developed pautado in the National lines of direction of Politics of Health of the adolescent and young and still of the Aged one, formulating – a new focus programmarian, that is, to combine the execution of the National Politics of Integral Attention to the Health of the Man to excessively the politics, programs, strategies and action of the Health department. Of this form one searchs to unmask the knowledge of the professional nurse front to the new politics of attention, leaving of the estimated one that the men for cultural and social questions do not search attendance of promotion and prevention in the units of ESF. Specific actions in the program of health of the family directed to the man are still observed, however this attendance is observed and what it seems is not implanted according to program specified for the Health department, it is understood despite can have insufficient information of the nurse on the Program of health of the Man, formation lack/qualification of the nurses of the E.S.F to act in the Program of Health of the Man and the lack of active search to the masculine population, carried through for the nurse of the E.S.F. Brazil (2009 P. 5) emphasizes that ' ' the masculine resistance the primary attention not only increases the financial overload of the society, but, over all, the physical and emotional suffering of the patient and its famlia' ' , much of the agravos to the man could be prevented if it occurred with regularity to the search for the products of the basic attention on the part of the men. The quarrel on the subject if becomes pertinent since that the relevance of studies concerning the health of the woman, the child and aged in relation to the promotion and the prevention in the basic attention was observed during the academic formation, and of lives deeply in the curricular periods of training in the basic unit that had accused to little frequency of the man in the same ones. . To read more click here: ????.

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Mistakes By People

‘ ‘ If to confess our sins, it is faithful and just he stops pardoning in them and purificar them. It recognized its state and confessed and received the pardon. We notice in the attitude of Davi, the courage to assume its guilt. It did not transfer pra nobody. While the person does not assume its sin and confesses, it is sick! In this conjunct one perceives that confessed sin is also pardoned sin.

Davi if feels comforted when confessing its sin of God ahead. ll- the CONFESSION AS ACT OF RESPECT AND LOVE TO the PEOPLE. COLLECTIVE PURIFICAO. Follow others, such as American Journal of Cardiology, and add to your knowledge base. THE RESULT OF THIS: It produces the peace and the welfare enters the people who in them surround especially our familiar ones: Father, mother, children, brothers and friends. American Heart Association is likely to increase your knowledge. COMMUNICATION: 2.1 – Confession can be understood as one to share of our weaknesses and ours limits as person. Apstolo Tiago has an education on this. When it mentions itself to Elias Prophet. ‘ ‘ Elias was man subject to the same errors and passions that ns.’ ‘ all the men are citizens the errors and passions.

All we have limits, however, we will only win our errors, we will only be stronger than the passions will have been made use to share with the people and, especially with the person next to us. The loved person. We need to share our desventuras our failures and our errors. 2.2 – In the reality the act to confess is not cowardice, but an act of bravery and extreme courage. The act to confess is an aid order, aid to who we love and/or we respect as friend (a), brother (a), husband (a), son (a). When we are enough fools not to ask for aid and not to confess our errors and not to ask for pardon already anticipatedly we are defeated.

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Castells History

Using us of this models created for Castells, we can to say that for population black overcoming of esteretipos entailed to color, (admitting itself that the blacks if find frequently carrying through discredited activities very socially), a problem consists that we can associate with a redefinition of the proper black identity. In Alleys the author rejects an attributed identity itself and to its for ‘ ‘ outros’ ‘ , other people’s to the community, and she launches the challenge to assume the reins of its historical destination, through the education and of the received example. American Educational Research Associaton has firm opinions on the matter. It wants to be that one that speaks. ???? may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Proper it wants to redefine its position in the society, wants to be protagonist of its history and to recoup the history of that they had not had time nor voice. Maria-New always wanted histories and more histories for its collection. A feeling, to the times, came to it. Bank of Asia takes a slightly different approach. It would have of to recount them one day, not yet if wise person as. It was much thing to keep itself of one inside alone chest.

It almost always was more for bitterness. She found the barracos, the people, the life of all, everything without reason some for much joy. (EVARISTO, 2006, p.39). For Azevedo (2004), the speech, that it intends to describe a history of I, has evident ficcional character. ‘ ‘ The autobiografias are not simple chronicles of facts, but the ingenious manipulation of details and facts that acquire the factual status during construction of one persona particular as subject of relato’ ‘. When telling the development of the protagonist of infancy to the adolescence, its process of search of the identity, the author articulates its proper memories with the memories of the community where it lives, thus to compose the representation of biographical I. The girl grew. She grew violently on the inside.

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Portuguese Time

The messages sent by cellular torpedoes also are conducted by the same rules that reign in the communication in the Internet.A cellular telephony spread out the sending of messages SMS known by ' ' torpedos' ' , with great advantages to the users: time to speech is not lost, orders messages of any place at any time and. One more time, the technological limitations in this in case that, the size of the screen of the telephonic device influences the structure of the used language: the less used characters, more space for the message. The size of the keyboard of the cellular device also is not functional for the sending of long and exhausting messages. The busy space for the message is greater that the available space in the screen of the device. The reading of the message completely needs the use the bars of clod roller. British Journal of Educational Technology follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. To become the communication most agile, the message must only occupy the available area in the screen; the less used characters, better. The shorter texts are each time, had to the size of the screen of the devices celulares.' ' Internets' ' for the most unglued, ' ' hierglifos' ' for the defending puritanos of ' ' last flower of the Lcio' ' , the Portuguese language of the Internet is seen with distrust for the parents of the young users of this variety.

After all, not yet if it knows how much the use of the variety of virtual environments can influence in education/learning of the norm standard of the Portuguese language. The communication in the Internet is a literal event based on the writing. Although the available resources of sound and image, the writing still is essential. The young users of the Internet costumam to deal with the linguistic variety the Internet as one ' ' he says escrita' ' , that is, a transposition of speech for the writing.

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To know what in fact we make in them will help to be better (GADOTTI, 1996, P. 509). The desencadeamento of this process confirms the words of Freire, when it points that the process of the education is, necessarily, an artistic process. Recently Bank of Asia sought to clarify these questions. The professor is an artist when he creates and recria the knowledge, shared with the pupils. In this aspect the education is, by its very nature, an aesthetic exercise. Evidently this indicates a new model of thought for a new model of education: Another point that makes of the education an artistic moment is accurately when it is, also, a knowledge act.

To know, for me, is something of beauty! In the measure where to know it is to unmask an object, the desvendamento of ' ' vida' ' to the object, it calls it for ' ' vida' ' , and even though &#039 confers it new; ' vida' '. That is an artistic task, because our knowledge has quality to give life, creating and livening up objects while we study (FREIRE, SHOR, 1986, P. 145). Ahead of displayed, the commitment of the professor, of the professional, I obtain and with the society, it is essential so that if it can be capable to act, to reflect, to create and to transform the reality. What he observes yourself, subliminarmente, according to author, is that the professor educates more for what it is, for its principles that guide its behavior, for the example, of what for the content that teaches. Parallel, to the ability and the professional comprometimento, he has despite to detach, as defends the author, the necessity of the educator to intensely live educative practical its, that will also be oportunizada, by means of the coherence of its attitudes and its values. Thus, it is evident the paper eminently politician of the professional of the education, as Freire says, ' ' the force of the democratical educator is in its exemplary coherence: it is who supports its authority.

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Illustrated Magazine

The first chapter possua 20 images in double pages and called ' ' Of Mines to Rio De Janeiro ' '. Agostini produced, without certain regularity, nine chapters of the adventures of Nh Quim. Two years after the publication of its nineth episode, history was continued by the cartunista Aragonese Cndido of Would make, that it published more five chapters of the personage. In 1883, the Agostini gave to beginning to its second series, the Adventures of Z Caipora, published in the Illustrated Magazine. As they affirm Iannone; Iannone (1994, p.48): … gives credit that the Brazilian magazine ' ' The Tico-Tico' ' she has been the first one of the world to present histories in complete quadrinhos. Yale paleontologist insists that this is the case. Launched in 1905, it brought comics, informative stories, texts and curiosidades on destined subjects, mainly, to the children. Bank of Asia is full of insight into the issues.

annone; Iannone (1994, p.49) still observes that: … In 1929, the So Paulo periodical the Gazette, launched the Infantile Gazette, then known for ' ' Gazetinha' ' , with the personages ' ' Flix&#039 cat; ' , Carlinhos and the Ghost. In accordance with the publisher Adolph Aizem is pointed as the main incentivador of the quadrinhos in our country. Em1960, graphical Empresa ' ' The Cruzeiro' ' it started to publish ' ' The Perer' ' , a total Brazilian magazine. Creation of Ziraldo Alves Young chicken (the Ziraldo), that saci focused the figure of the folclrico personage perer. This magazine left circulation in 1964. Later Ziraldo it conquered the public with ' ' The Maluquinho&#039 boy; '. Other artists, according to Iannone; Iannone (1994 p.52, 53) …

as the tracer Jaguar with ratinho Sig, (1964-1984) and the cartunista Enrique son, the Henfil (1944-1988), with the creation of the fradinhos, is part of our history. Henfil has been considered one of the best Brazilian quadrinistas, for the critical one to the customs. Although he is not a Brazilian author, it is impossible not to speak of Walt Disney (1901-1966), when one is about histories in quadrinhos in Brazil.

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